Wow the fans love your Character, so you'll have to die

1) Battlestar Galactica
2) Lost
3) Prison Break
4) 24
Consider yourself warned. And what really bugs me is shock value meaningless deaths that come out of nowhere, for example Libby on Lost. Now I know that show has a tell to the fate of main characters, If any actor gets a DUI they will be killed soon. Now check this out, Torchwood has a cast of 5 Main characters, and in the finale they killed two of them.
Now I know that there are advantages to this style of TV, for example a movie star like Michelle Rodriguez can do a short run on a series and then go back to movies(Lost if you didn't know). It also keeps you on edge, but it shouldn't get to the point where you have to worry that your favorite character is going to die every week.
One last thing, some programs really push for the reality of the moment to make things as bad as they can be. On Battlestar Gallactica they just killed a character named Cally by shooting her out of an airlock. Now normally I can just let it be with an, "Aw, Damn it. That really sucks." Now for some reason I can't stop thinking of this, I don't really know why or if it's good storytelling or bad storytelling. All that I do know is one thing... That one really bugs me, it just really bothers me. Later...
*Update* The actress Nicki Clyne(Cally from Battlestar Gallactica) has a Blog where she provides a unique perspective on the death of her character. It's a good read, you can read it at the following link
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