50 years of As the World Turns

Before I start let me just say the actually 50th anniversary is on April 2nd; I'm just putting this up today is because I'll be out of town tomorrow for my monthly visit to the Vampire.
Now being 31 I can't claim to have seen every episode of this show. While growing up my mother watched this show everyday so after awhile I did too.
Truth be told I really watch this show for one reason, James Steinbeck. He was/is the cooled villain I have ever seen. James has been killed at least 5 times that I can think of, nothing can stop this man. The picture is from my all-time favorite scene from this show; James is trying to get his son to run away with him when Paul's friend tries to stop him. James shoots the guy and Paul refuses to leave after seeing James shoot his friend. I have this scene on videotape somewhere. I hope that someday they will release a DVD about James Steinbeck, greatest moments type of thing.
I don't watch so much anymore, but every once and awhile I check it out just in case the man returns.
Thank you for your comment, it was very kind of you to say those things. I was actually considering photography a while ago as a maybe-career-later-in-life but I decided that first I would have to take a class to see if I would actually be good at it and learn to use an SLR camera and not just a digital.
Thank you, you are the first reply left in my Blog (mine don't count). That's a good idea, if you can master your F-stop and Shutter speed settings you'll be all set. The settings are hard to learn but after you do you'll be good to go. I couldn't really get a good handle on how to set those and that's a major reason why I'm not a photographer, not the only reason but a major one. I wish you good luck, mastery of the equipment and your talent will carry you through.
Great Blog.... keep it going...
gan ;)
I will, and to quote a famous old commerical let me say this, "And we thank you for your support."
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