Lawsuits and Kiss my Ass clubs
Here's the deal; I just finished watching cable news and I just had to talk about it. Celebrities are "MAD AS HELL AND AIN'T GONNA TAKE THIS ANYMORE"(not actual celeb quote, from the movie Network) about tabloids making up stories and how they're suing the tabloids. Now I don't really care about tabloids. What got my attention was that they consider Blogs, websites, my space, facebook and others as fair game for lawsuits.That's bull, it's about classy as Warner Brothers suing all the kids with Harry Potter websites so they can protect their copyright, well bite me. Right now this isn't a problem but if you look further down the road you'll see where this all leads; basically anybody who says anything about a celebrity they dislike, you can expect a lawsuit. So I can expect a lawsuit from Lindsay Lohan(provided she can stay sober long enough to show up to court) because I pointed to a letter that said she was a spoiled brat. Well there's only one response to that... If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, that means it's a duck.

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