A You Tube Wasteland?

What is the attraction focus of You Tube now? I'll just make a list
- The preview of "Hancock"
-30 second car ad
-The Pussycat Dolls music video
-The Pussycat Dolls music video
That's just for starters. Why did this change happen, it can all be tied to one thing, "It's all about the Mon-ay." You Tube was bought by Google and they saw advertising potential and took advantage of it. That's just the way it is, good or bad; and that's just one half of the problem.
A couple weeks ago I saw this video from Digital Soul where he talks about this problem in more depth, I included the video below. After viewing this video I realized that's he's absolutely right, not only that but I realized that some of the channels I subscribed to are doing this. Once again we're left to ask why, and the answer is the same, Mon-ay. Now I'm not sure if this is in place yet but You Tube is going to set up a system to pay people who make videos and the money will be based on views of each video. This post will make more sense after viewing the video. This is my opinion of the subject, take it or leave it.
Don't get me wrong, I think paying the people who put up their content is a good idea and for some it's well deserved; these are the same people who joined You Tube without a thought of making money. The minute money is involved the whole game is changed, when you're given the chance to make money your content will change to more popular subjects(whether you know it or not). On the other hand it will give us a chance to see who's there for the mon-ay, and who's there for the community.
With all that being said, You Tube is not completely lost. There is still user content that is worth viewing, you just need to look a little harder to find it(there are several You Tube videos shown on this Blog and you can follow the links, after the video, to similar videos or others from the same person who made the video you just watched.
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