Podcasts you can game to? What?!?
Before I begin let me answer the question, "Where have you been and why haven't you been keeping up your blog?" Blame the video games companies; Guitar Hero: World Tour, Fallout 3, MK vs. DC, WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009, AC/DC Rock Band, Tomb Raider: Underworld, and finishing up Saints Row 2, all in the last few months.
Several Podcasts that I listen to were starting to pile up new episodes and I was getting way behind. I had been spending most of my free time playing new video games. After awhile I started to realize that open world games(Saints Row 2, Fallout 3, ect...) you can do certain tasks while listening to a podcast and not miss anything. Here is a brief list/description of the podcasts I listen too while playing.
1) Galactica Watercooler: This podcast is focused mainly about the series Battlestar Galactica, but also has discussion on other sci-fi entertainment. There's a cast of three, each have different things/viewpoints they bring to the table.
2) Hydra Cooler: A two person podcast that mostly discusses the tv series Lost. Where this podcast sets itself apart is the number of regular caller that have something to add every week, it goes from a Beach to a Waffle(in-joke/reference you'll only get by listening to the podcast).
3) IGN Channel Surfing: The IGN podcast from the writers of their tv section, it's a fun podcast if you're not super up-tight about you favorite shows.
4) SModcast: This podcast is basically Kevin "Silent Bob" Smith and film producer Scott Mosier talking about anything and everything, if you've seen an evening with Kevin Smith you know what to expect. Almost half the time when Mosier(and his perfect Paris Hilton impersonation) is gone there will be a guest host, which will range from a good friend to a family member. Every episode is entertaining.
And last, but certainly not least is...
5) Donald is Lost: It should be noted that I usually avoid any podcast that has just one person as a cast, most podcasts that don't have at least two people are not good and just don't work. This Podcast is thee exception! I heard this podcast after Donald filled in as a co-host on the Hydra Cooler, and he was great. I then decided to check out his Lost podcast. One thing that really gets me is that if I were to do a podcast, it would be almost exactly like this one, in fact I made a radio program(not aired) where I created characters and sometimes had family help out with voices. The main thing about this podcast is that it gets better every week, most podcast get to a certain point and thing stay consistent, never really getting better or worse.
You can find all of these podcasts on iTunes and their indivual websites. I thought about starting a podcast, but after failing miserably on You-Tube(I have removed most videos), I think I will just sit it out for awhile and try for whatever the next thing is. Later...
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