Thursday, July 03, 2008

O Ashley Monroe, Where Art Thou?

First of all I'm sorry for the title, just trying to sound smart. The following post is basically a call for help(not a life or death emergency) and any information will be greatly appreciated. Now I'm going to tell you a story.

Sometime last year(date uncertain) while I was really getting into my iPod/iTunes music collection, I would download the free single of the week. One week the free single was the song Satisfied by a singer named Ashley Monroe. The description for Ashley Monroe talked about how she wanted to be a singer and after getting rejected by most labels she went back to the drawing board and came up with new songs for a new album, then she went back to the labels again. Now that takes a very strong and driven person to get shut down only to get back up and do it again. I know several people who give their dream a try only to be told their stuff(music, stories, ect...) is no good and they just let it stand, they can't get past the fact what they made just isn't for public consumption.
Anyways the song was a single for an upcoming album and I made it a point to get the CD when it came out. Guess what, it didn't come out, I noticed that the album was on iTunes but I wanted the CD so I waited. After realizing it wasn't coming I went back to iTunes and the album was gone, looks like I screwed up. There was another song she sang with Ronnie Dunn called I don't Want to and luckily I got that one. I did notice that she was a writer/co-writer on a song on the current Carrie Underwood CD Carnival Ride and the song is called Flat on the Floor.

If anybody who reads this knows anything about her(Fansites, Official site, place where I can get her music, ect...), please let me know. When it comes to music I don't only listen to one kind and that's it, If I like a song I don't care if it's John Denver or Eminem. As it relates to the two song that I do have, I enjoy the music, the writing, and the voice... It's a total package, something that is becoming very rare is today's music scene. Now I'm going to end this post with one phrase.

Please Help. Later...



At 2:11 PM, Blogger Bad_Girls_Lament said...

I have a bunch of her demo work but nothing has been officially released except for her Satisfied single and I Don't Want To w/Ronnie Dunn. However if you check out she updates and checks her site pretty regularly to keep in touch with fans.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Danyelle said...

new songs up on Ashley's myspace!!!

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Danyelle said...

wonder whether she'll get an album out?


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