The Anti-Lohan
Disclaimer: If you like Lindsay Lohan than I suggest(getting you head examined) that you don't read this. And in the interest of giving credit where it's do she does good work on the movies I've seen(took my Niece to see Herbie: Fully Loaded) including Mean Girls and others.
Meet Kristen Stewart: Now here is an Actress who does great work on the screen, takes her work seriously and doesn't overshadow the film(A Sandler movie, A Stallone movie, ect...), you can watch the movie and she's the character and not the big name Actress. It's also nice that articles about her aren't all filled with drama and after reading it you don't feel disappointed. I've seen her in four movies and she's always good, not overtaking a scene that's not hers and is there when she's needed.
I've seen and read interviews with her and it doesn't take long to realize that she's on the ball and takes her work seriously. Last week I had this discussion in a chat room where this guy tried to point out that she's not a great actress and is probably lying about her preparation in getting ready for a role. My response was this, "I believe she's telling the truth. And if she's not, that itself proves she's a great Actress." That's my point.
Why would anybody put up with Lohan when they don't have to. I read that Nobody believes in her and she tries to play characters that are good role models. If that's what you want then start at home. The first thing you need to learn is this, there is a different between tossing booze on a fire, or stepping away from it to find some water. I never write anybody off and if she goes back to making movies with role model characters I will take both my Nieces to see those movies. When it comes down to it, I'd rather see her succeed than watch her fail. And that's my final word on this subject. Later...
"I used to hurry a lot
I used to worry a lot
I used to stay out till the break of day
Oh, that didn't get it
It was high time I quit it
I just couldn't carry on that way"
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