Next Blog>> Update 1

This Blog is about a couple who bought this section of land, with coverage of the building of their dream house.
Blog Review:
The Good: The idea and overall concept of the Blog is excellent, this is an extremely interesting topic and you get to follow this couple on their journey from beginning to end.
The Bad: While the concept is solid and there are several pictures, the Posts themselves are usually limited to a paragraph. If you're going to choose this as your topic, you need to fully commit to it; Posts are short and to the point, I just think more is better in this case. Then next point could be good or bad depending on your point of view; when their house is built where can they go from there, living in the house? This Blog has a clear start point and clear end point and when it's done, it's done. Another thing is there no way to contact the couple who make this Blog, no profile to view, no place to leave comments, no Email listed and I'm kind of disappointed, I wanted to talk with them about their Blog and let them know I was going to link there Blog here.
Overall I like this Blog and can recommend it, just be aware that you can completely finish it within five to ten minutes. The search continues so all that's left to say is Later...
"We have left all the darkness far behind us
All those hopes that we had along the way
Have made it to this day
Like an old love song gone for much too long
You hear it once again
And it carries you away"
This theme is simply matchless :), it is interesting to me)))
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