Sunday, June 25, 2006

Gym business and The Worse food in the World

I'm back at the Gym again. I found a great deal and couldn't pass it up; 3 months for $99 at the Gold's Gym here. Now It's been 7 months since my old Gym sold out and since that time I heard nothing but "You gotta get back to the gym." from family, doctors, and everybody else I spent 2 minutes talking to. None of that got me to even entertain the idea, I liked the people at my old gym and I really hate change; anybody who knows me knows I really don't care about how I look(Ok I care, just not much) or fashion/clothes(black denim pants, T-shirt, overshirt/denim jacket depends on the weather and non see thru tint sunglasses... Why is in I can't find a pair, damn tint law) so I throw something on and out the door I go.
The main reason I hurried and jumped back into the gym was 1 thing... A Cheeseburger Doughnut! I saw this as a warning food in some only healthy food website; yuck right... But for a brief second I thought, "Hmm... I like Bacon cheeseburgers, and I like Doughtnuts(not KK, Mr. D's is good)" and in that second I decided I've been out of the game for way too long. This has to be the ultimate bad food choice, even worse than the McRib(but damn they're good) Super Size meal, with a shake. Now maybe some terrorist group came up with this in hopes it will become popular and cause massive deaths by heart attacks all over the country(Ok it's not funny, I'm sorry. Please don't sue). If anybody reading this see the picture and thinks eating that is a good idea... STOP! THIS IS YOUR WAKE-UP CALL



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