My Space: The new SPAM (Post #40)
I joined My Space about a month ago and since then I have had 13 friend requests... 6 I asked for and accepted and 11 for various webcams and other similar material. I had three requests for the same person running a webcam, under 3 different My Space identities with different picture(same girl). There was another request from Jenny(yeah, I'll bet) who likes to hang out with her friends Kelly and Shelly and for $25 you see pictures of their adventures... "And that's all I got to say about that."My Space has over 8 Million registered users(I just got another friend request about a second ago) and you know who 1 of them is; Lindsay Lohan's new movie Just my Luck which has a My Space site to promote the movie(kind of makes you wonder who the other members are). Then there are those stupid ads

Ignore the ads, the JDman does not force ads on his readers... Unless It's Eddie and the Cruisers: 2 thumbs up(both are mine)
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