Enough is Enough

Anybody who know me knows I don't go out of my way to be a jerk, but I saw something today and I just have to say something about it. I was at the supermarket(yes again) and... I saw this lady who was in a specially made(must have been) motorized wheelchair which was almost as big as a park bench, the lady was easily 700 lbs. Now if anybody has seen the 1st episode of Nip/Tuck season 3 you'll know what I'm talking about, only a little bigger. I went about my business and later found her in the candy(right of isle) and the chips(left) and she and her husband/boyfriend(I don't know) were stockings up. It got me thinking, how can somebody let themselves get to that point, and how can the people around them let them get there. You'd think there'd be a point where, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" Now I'm not the picture of health because of certain factors, some I can control and some I can't; but if it gets to the point where you can't walk for any period of time, you need to get help. My Aunt Kris(in South Dakota) works with people who come for help, with some amazing success.
The real trick with this, or really anything in life is this... "When something bothers you enough, you will do something about it." Until then It'll just keep getting worse. I know there are some cases where it can't be helped but in that lady's case it was all on her, I mean that shopping cart was full of nothing but junk; She must know what she's doing, but just doesn't care. It's sad.
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