Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Major Studios are going broke?

Try to not feel too bad when you read the following story.

The major studios are in series finacial trouble. This year the sales of DVDs are only up 2%... This is the end of the DVD format, not only that but the end of movies and all other forms of entertainment that comes out of Hollywood(Is that a bad thing?).
I can't believe this group of Millionaires/Billionaires crying about lower profits, trying to make you think that DVD's are a gift from them and you should feel bad because they're losing money(not money, but profits), "Well. I guess it's sucks to be you!" If you want bigger profits, here's an idea. Stop making a crappy product(not all of it sucks, just most of it). Oh, you don't make crap, then what's in the bin? I love the DVD format when it's used properly, but what upsets me with this story is that those with the money cry because they don't have more money. "Well F(-Bomb) you! I have no time to listen to the rich bitch and complain, have your Grey Poupon and shut the hell up!!!"



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