Musical Trauma
Over the weekend I had the most interesting(annoying) conversation. This story will not be an exactly quoted post, but the overall story is true. The names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved(maybe not, never did catch the Dude's real name). The following takes place in the Best Buy a little after 10 am.I was looking at the CDs, I knew there was a new t.A.T.u. CD out(I knew it wouldn't be there, and I'll have to important it over the Internet from whatever country it's released from) and just wanted to make a quick check. There was one copy of Dangerous and Moving and I picked it up to look at it. Then I heard this voice from behind, "Are you seriously going to buy those two dy---(You never know who you might piss off, but you know the word anyway), if that's what you want you should go ahead and buy that type of porny(porn-e, that's how he said it)." I put the CD down and turned to face the guy, "No, I already have this one." and then walked away. And after about a minute I looked at the Michael Jackson CDs(I always do, looking for the song Say, Say, Say on any of his CDs.) and I'll bet you already know what's coming. "Oh my God, are you going to buy that?" He said as I ignored him(and of course that didn't work). "If you buy that, you're giving him money that he'll use to molest more kids. Buying that means you support that type of behavior. Do you know how many kids he raped." I got up and got right in his face, "No, do you? I'll bet you have a copy of Thriller just like everybody else." He replied, "No, I burned my CD when I first heard the truth." This idiot is not worth my time, "Look! I will do what I will. And what you are going to do is make sure I don't see you again." It should be pointed out that I am the type of guy that most people don't bother, and that works just the way I like it, but every once in a while...
OK let's take this one at a time.
01) t.A.T.u. are they or aren't they... WHO REALLY
CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, If you're simply there for the Lesbian content then save yourself some money, go to your local video store and look for movies with Misty Mundae in them. I like their music for the most part and that is my only concern for buying the CD/iTunes, and if you are buying it for any other reasons you are just wasting your money. Any performer(s) that can sing a song like STARS is worth your attention. The rest of this is just smoke and mirrors using sex to sell you a product, the best example of this is Madonna. Madonna is one hell of a singer and that can't be disputed, and also nobody's better at using sex to push a product than her. That form of promotion often distracts from one's talent to one's reputation which in turn will turn away some customers, while attracting others. It's basically a bet that you'll get more customers pushing sex, than you're ability. I enjoy the singing ability of Julia and Lena; as for the rest of it, I really don't care(besides, the truth is that neither one of these girls would give me the time of day, either way).

That how I see it and all I have left to say is...
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