Sunday, April 09, 2006

Post #10, What have I learned?

I changed the Blog name again, not the first time and I'm sure not the last either. I'm sure I'll keep changing it until it perfect, which means I'll never stop changing it. It's been an eventful couple of weeks since I started this Blog. I started out looking through over 200 Blogs(most not in English so I kept going) and then from there I narrowed it down to about 6 that I look at everyday. I won't post the addresses of them here because I'm not sure if they would want the plug.

The 1st one(no order) is one about this college girl who you might see as a party machine(out every night after work type of thing) but her blog is exactly like life as in there are ups and downs, anticipation and dread of events to come, ect... I first read this one based on the title alone, and the first post has a photo of 2 guys pulling this impossible to move boat(massive) and they keep trying, I love the idea of that never quit and keep going no mater how futile it is attitude.

The 2nd one is about this guy who's trying to sell his screenplay and has a chance if he was to cheat on his significant other, the Idea itself seems like a screenplay. He gets others opinions through comments left on his post, he has I believe made his decision. I look at this guy's profile from a comment left on Somebody else's Blog and looked at his Blog, his also had a catchy title. I can only hope for problems like that.

The 3rd one is about this guy who will post anything it seems, about 2 days ago I saw a photo of a baby drinking a beer(and we're complaining about Joe Camel) which has since been removed. Let there be no doubt this man is a straight Red state guy, it will take you about 5 seconds to see that for yourself if you read his Blog. The Blog itself is very entertaining(scary Sharon Stone photo, wicked witch audition I would assume) except for some video thing that interrupts my MP3s while they're playing.

The 4th one is some guy who started his Blog the same time I did and hasn't posted it on it since; I'm looking forward to see what he does with it, or if he'll do anything with it.

The 5th is a girl who has gotten some measure of fame through the entertainment industry. Now I figured that everybody who made it to Hollywood(after the Lobotomy) were given their person weight trainer, their Blue state Bible(yes, I know there is a Red state Bible too), and their morality Bankrupt check, I could say more but I won't. This person is real and smart(real smart, sorry couldn't help it) and believe it or not she has gotten me to change my thinking on a couple things(not many because I'm usually right, stop laughing I'm serious). Maybe Hollywood types are Ok, Nope not as long as there are brain-trusts there named after French cities.

The 6th is my favorite for just one reason in particular... Have you ever known somebody who you knew was bound to be great, they can do something so perfectly that you know if they go with it you will see them and their work in the future. I found this Blog about this high school girl(no it's not like that, have a snicker and shut it) who has the best photos on her Blog and uses some photo manipulation software on some that really turn an average photo into pure perfection, it's truly a sight to behold. It's one of those thing you'll never forget if you ever see it, I'm almost tempted to put the address here but I won't for the reasons I already mentioned. The Blog itself is about her life, she would seem to be a very deep thinker.

That's about it. I could keep wasting space but I won't.



At 9:02 AM, Blogger theJDman said...

There's a lot of that going around, more than you could ever guess. I hope he starts to keep his Blog up, I'm interested in seeing what he does with it?


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