Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Family Reunion... Canceled!

I just found out this year's family reunion is canceled. It was my understanding that only 6 people signed up and there were other problems as well. Family reunions are interesting, they're not like holidays or other special occasions; It's a chance to meet other family who you don't know or only seen at reunions.
The problem with family reunions is simple and basically the same as holiday family get togethers. The truth is that your relatives come is 3 different categories. The 1st is your relatives that you like and hang out with whenever you get the chance. The 2nd is the relatives you avoid and can't stand for 1 reason or another. And finally there are the relatives you never talk to except for something like, "Hey Roger, I gotta go home so can you move your car?".
The truth is when your at the reunion you spend your time with your favorite relatives anyways and really don't waste time with the others; If you really think about it you know It's the truth and you can't deny it.
We all know that family's family and love 'em or hate 'em you make allowances for family that you don't for anybody else. What else can you say... They're blood, they're family.



At 10:09 PM, Blogger theJDman said...

Thanks for stopping by. I left a reply on your Blog and I plan a post on that later on.



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