The Music of our Lives, where is it now?

The one thing that really stays with us throughout all our lives is music. Think about it, how many of us have an emotional attachment to 1 song or another because of some significant moment in your life that ties you to it. And as we change the music of the time changes with us, some songs we leave behind not to listen to again and then there are those that we keep with us until we die. The music says something about where we were at that point in life; not just the top 40 but also the lesser know music that you would somehow run across.
If you ever get enough time I suggest you take a trip through your musical history and in a sense you'll be looking back through your life. I've remembered things I forgotten for years, they just came flooding back to me, and I wonder how I could have forgotten some of those things which once upon a time that were so important.
There were so many times in the last few days where I thought I wish they were still around making music. If I could bring a couple of them back ... I would pick Freddie Mercury from Queen[pictured above] and Selena. Freddie Mercury is the only person in his field that I have complete respect for; right before he died and while he was dying he would gather up all his strength and record a few more song before it was too late, he knew he wasn't going to see any money from it... It was a goodbye gift to the fans(what big star now do you think would do that, most now are no pay/no play). Selena was a great tragedy, unlike Freddie Mercury and Queen who all ready left us so many great songs, Selena was young and had her whole career in front of her... Just think about what we're missing right now.
The real tragedy is with real great performers gone it


Selena 1971-1995 ................Freddie Mercury 1946-1991
I still listen and remember.
I though so, I really have no advice to give(well good advice anyway).
Hey I just got a great idea. I should try to get a bunch of signatures on a petition, take it to the Grim Reaper and see if he'll exchainge Selena for Duff. I don't think he will though; I mean let's face it, it's not really a fair trade. Maybe we could send Lohan too, no it's still not a fair trade.
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WTF! You know after days of converting my music library with only a couple chances to even check Emails much less check my site; I find an Email about your comment. 1st of all what conent are you talking about? And 2nd Nobody talks for me... If I need to say sorry I will say it.
If you want to clone somebody use should learn how to do it. Posting under anonimous and using my sig. only makes you look dumb. Come up with your own sig. and don't do this again. Blogging is fun and you don't need to do this type of thing to get noticed.
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