A Time to Hate, A Time to Love, and A Time to just Chill Out.
After the last couple days of incidents(? Put a cool word here. Make sure you don't forget) it occurred to me that I don't know as much about running a Blog as I should. I've decided to use today as a rebuilding day for my Blog. If you look around you'll notice several changes here... I've updated my profile with some actual info and finally added a photo of myself(Beware: may cause fainting). In addition I have changed the style/format of the Blog including another name change(Don't bother remembering the name, just like my aunt's* boyfriends the moment who know the name it'll change.), yeah I know, no need to say it. And finally I added my X-box Live Gametag here as well. Before I forget now the links have pictures. Let me know your thoughts about the upgrade.I've spent all of my day working on this(including several failed experiments of things I just mentions above and others I won't mention, yet.) and right now I'm going to get something to eat.

Here is another photo that was chosen at random which has absolutely nothing to do with this post. Enjoy.
*Aunt's name withheld for my own protection.
No nephews were harmed on account of this post(I hope)
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