Cliffhanger Post part 1
The best/worst time of the year is here... Season Cliffhangers are here. I love Cliffhangers, I just don't like waiting through the Summer to see what happens. I've decided to waste more Internet/Blogger space by post a few of my favorite Season Finale Cliffhangers. When you're talking about Cliffhangers there's really only 1 place to start... DALLAS!(was that over the top?) This is 1st episode of Dallas I can remember seeing, thinking how cool it was(Hee Hee Fire, fire, FIRE, sorry dated Mtv reference).
Dallas ep. 131 Ewing Inferno
First aired on May 6, 1983

No this isn't "Who Shot JR?", This happens after that. Here's a quick recap... JR and Bobby are in a contest to see who will get to run Ewing Oil. JR uses this guy named Walt Driscoll to sell oil to Cuba. Bobby finds out and with Ray's help the plant a gun on Driscoll which is found by a guard at the airport, and JR refuses to help the guy out. Driscoll get out and goes for revenge and waits to get JR and runs his car off the road, only to find JR's wife and Ray's cousin Mickey were in the car without JR. Driscoll left a suicide note saying he was trying

to get JR, which the police give to Ray. Ray goes to Southfork to confront JR, the 2 of them get in a fight and start a fire in the house. After knocking out Ray, JR goes up the stairs to get Sue-Ellen and John Ross out of the house only to pass out from the smoke.
For more on Dallas click here
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