What's my Motivation?

What does this picture look like? I think it looks like a CD cover for a band with a name like
Devastator or Ravage Curtain. I would assume the blond girl is probably the Drummer, then the goofy guy on keyboards, and finally the main girl on vocals and guitar. Have you ever notice how the main purpose of a CD cover is say, "Yeah, we're in the band. Whatever.".
The truth behind this photo is it's a publicity photo for the movie
Scarlet Diva. I would liked to have been able to recommend this movie... I really would have.
I knew who the Carver was in the 4 way episode. As for Lost you should check it out, 2 main people were just killed last week.
What was with that comment on my blog about insensitivity? I didn't quite understand where you were coming from.
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