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I suppose you've seen ads for the new Poseidon movie. I just have one question , WHY? Can somebody explain why Hollywood has to remake films that don't need it. Actually I couldn't care less about Poseidon but I just decided to use this time to bring this topic up. I will now list several examples of remakes that prove they should not waste time on these projects. Listed by original movie titles, some remakes change the name.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
War of the Worlds
I could go on but you get the idea. Can't they come up with some original ideas; sorry, original ideas that don't suck(I wanted to use a different combo of words but you never know who's reading). There are only a few movies that try to be Motion Pictures anymore(no Scary Movie $4$ is not a Motion Picture, It's an extended episode of SNL.), now I know that not every movie released has to be a Motion Picture but I wish Hollywood would try more often then they do.
Hollywood used to make Motion Pictures, I could make a list but I'm sure we know the difference. As it stands now I could just live with it; but when the days comes and they remake Gone With the Wind with Ben Afflac as Rhett or Planet of the Apes with Marky Mark(Oh yeah, they already did that) and... I better stop in case a Hollywood genus gets inspiration from reading this and we end up with The Maltese Falcon with Tom Hanks(NO! It's not a good Idea!).
Note: I don't hate any actor listed here, the truth is Marky Mark was cool in The Big Hit. Tom Hanks was good in The Green Mile, and Ben Afflac was good in... Give me a sec. It'll come to me, oh yeah Dazed and Confused(Damn Air Supply, how did this get in my MP3's).
Just 1 more thing, I have put up a link to Olaf's Blog. He would seem to be involved in a Blog War, make sure to sit back and watch the Fireworks.
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