Post # 10 Update
We break away from the normal operation of this Blog to bring you the following special report.
I'm sure you remember that post # 10 is where I listed my favorite Blogs and explained why they are(It would be a good idea to scroll down to read post #10). I have just received permission to put a link to the Deceiver's Blog and have done so on the links section to the right. The Deceiver's Blog is the last one I talked about in that post(In case you were wondering) and I encourage you to look it over. I might ask to put up the other links from the Blogs I listed, but be warned because I'm sure that there is at least one Blog that won't want to be associated with this Blog(not meant as an insult in any way, just a difference of style/content). I could be wrong but don't be surprised if a complete list is not represented.
I'm sure you remember that post # 10 is where I listed my favorite Blogs and explained why they are(It would be a good idea to scroll down to read post #10). I have just received permission to put a link to the Deceiver's Blog and have done so on the links section to the right. The Deceiver's Blog is the last one I talked about in that post(In case you were wondering) and I encourage you to look it over. I might ask to put up the other links from the Blogs I listed, but be warned because I'm sure that there is at least one Blog that won't want to be associated with this Blog(not meant as an insult in any way, just a difference of style/content). I could be wrong but don't be surprised if a complete list is not represented.

- Non-related picture chosen at random to take up space on the post.
What was that? Nevermind, I wanted to put up a link to this Blog in particular, it may not be updated everyday but you can be sure that when it is... It will be worth it. I will update whenever I get permission for any other links. Until then,{insert meaningful quote here} and good night.
Oh Yeah, Just 1 more thing.
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