Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hey, I'm no Role Model.

Well here we go again. I find it amazing and just a little sad how some people just don't get it. I mean it was just about a month ago when when we saw that Paris Hilton learn that you can't break the law and disrespect the court. Looks like we're about to see the same thing again, but this time the role of the disregardful brat will be played by Linsay Lohan.
The thing that really upsets me about this is my niece watched some of her movies and thought she was cool, I took my niece to Herbie: Fully Loaded in the theater and now I had to explain what happened. I told her it was all about drugs and how that makes people do dumb things and not care about anything except their drugs.
And who's to blame for this, there are many causes for this attitude; I(to a certain degree) blame it on Charles Barkley and his "I'm not a role model." line of bull. I understand what he meant in essence, but take a look around these days. It seems that statement gave many the impression that they get to go around and act like an ass because they're not a role model. And before you say it I'm not just pick out Paris and Lindsay because I don't like them and will accept it from people I like, some people with actual talent are guilty here. Here are a few other examples, Alec Baldwin, David Hasselhoff, Mel Gibson, Nick Nolte, and Kristy Swanson(and I never thought I would have to put her name here) to name a couple.
I don't know what else to say here, except to know who your role models are and don't put them so high, on a pedestal because if their foundation is not strong they will fall and take you with them.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

the 4TH

Sunday, July 01, 2007

If it stinks, don't buy it.

There's one phrase that this situation reminds me of, "If it stinks, don't buy it." I decided to wait until now to speak about this, and all the evidence is not yet out. It seems everybody wants this to be and open and shut case of, "this stupid wrestler took steroids and got pissed(roid rage) and killed his family." There's a lot here that really doesn't add up can't can't be explained away... messages from her cell, wikipedia entry, deformity of the son that nobody who worked with him seemed to know about, a complete 180 personality flip that none of his co-workers can't believe, and other things.

I'm not going to condemn Chris Benoit now, I'll reserve my final opinion until all the facts are on the table. There are other things that happened that we don't know yet. As the way it stands I don't believe the official story, something is missing.
