Blame Juno
Before I start take a look at this..., now while watching the news I saw some expert who knew why this was happening. I watched with anticipation because I knew I was about to hear the one of the dumbest things I

would ever hear, and I wasn't disappointed. This expert has determined the reason for the so-called Pregnancy Pact was(make sure your sitting down for this)... the movie
Juno. Wow?
Now all I have is one question... How does one become an Expert? What are the qualifications needed to be an Expert? I assume they are such...
1) A complete lack of common sense.
2) A overpaid and under educated degree from Harvard, or some other college that make experts.
3) A desire to think about burning social issues like Purple Ink F's are less intimidating than Red Ink F's or why inmates in prison don't like it.
Now when you first read this what was your first thought? Now if it was "Blame Juno" then you might be expert material. I hate it when some "so-called" Expert tells everybody that these girls all watched Juno and then decided they all wanted to be her. You're right it doesn't make sense does it? If things were that easy we could drop DVD players with copies of Iron Eagle and scare everybody into not attacking us. That's the same logic that says "if you tell people that smoking will kill them, they'll stop." Hmmm didn't work, I can't understand why. Later...
Yeah! and SO?
Can you believe this? you're at it, explain to me how a purple F is less intimidating than a red F.
Don't we have better things to do? How does this study help anybody?
Price gouging?

The 10 Greatest Characters in Television History: 1st Post

Now before I start let me state that I did not place these in any order, so that doesn't mean this or the last post is not better than any of the others. So lets start with this Post, one of the Greatest Characters is from the Television show
Dallas, his name is J. R. Ewing.
OK I'll admit this is no real surprise but let's face it, there is a reason that everybody picks this character. In fact the Actor Larry Hagman earned every dollar he made off the entire series with his performance in the episode A House Divided. It's a how-to guide on how to piss off everybody in town so when he gets shot at the end, anybody could have done it.
J. R. was referred to as "the man you love to hate", and isn't that the truth. Now if he was just a heel and did nothing but be jerk all the time it would just get boring. What make J. R. a real character is the occasional moment when things didn't work out how he would have liked, for example when J.R. and his brothers went to find Jock(the father) only to find Jock's emblem, they return home to inform the family but J. R. just walks outside and looks at the emblem.
I found one such scene on You Tube(below this post) which might just be my favorite scene in the entire series(the painting on the wall is of Jock Ewing).
To close this up let me just say this; Dallas ran as a mini-series and ran 13 regular seasons and 2 reunion TV movies. That fact speaks for itself.