Lawsuits and Kiss my Ass clubs
Here's the deal; I just finished watching cable news and I just had to talk about it. Celebrities are "MAD AS HELL AND AIN'T GONNA TAKE THIS ANYMORE"(not actual celeb quote, from the movie
Network) about tabloids making up stories and how they're suing the tabloids. Now I don't really care about tabloids. What got my attention was that they consider Blogs, websites, my space, facebook and others as fair game for lawsuits.
That's bull, it's about classy as Warner Brothers suing all the kids with
Harry Potter websites so they can protect their copyright, well bite me. Right now this isn't a problem but if you look further down the road you'll see where this all leads; basically anybody who says anything about a celebrity they dislike, you can expect a lawsuit. So I can expect a lawsuit from Lindsay Lohan(provided she can stay sober long enough to show up to court) because I pointed to a letter that said she was a spoiled brat. Well there's only one response to that... If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, that means it's a duck.

To break it down; Be ready to kiss major celebrity ass or go to court. There are some celebrities that are so good at what they do it's just amazing and those are the ones that I say nothing but praise because it's well deserved. But I will never say anything good about a wasteland of nothing, like Paris Hilton. Is there anybody worse than Paris? Maybe Kato, nah at least he has a little character(very little)... If you can think of anybody worse let me know. "Hey everybody, join the Paris Hilton kiss my ass Club." just don't expect to see me there.
The one thing that really gets me about today is not really about the attack five years ago(which was bad so don't get wrong), It's the stories about the families of those who died. The stories about the hero's of 9/11 are great too hear and reminds us all what we can do when we have to(you never know what you are capable of until you're pushed to act). I know that thousands of people die every day and still life goes on, because it has to. I watched at the names were read off at ground zero today and what really bothers me is that... Every name that was read today was somebody that died for no good reason. They died because some people(?) in another country hate America. They base their attack on what their religious book tells them? I don't know about Islam and I don't really care to if this is the result.
How did I spend this day? I visited my Sister and Dad, then I watched my nieces Alyssa(after school) and Amber and we had a good day. I going to close out and call my Mom and talk for awhile. I could have done my usual routine but I decided to spend the day with my family... Just in case the time isn't there later(Which I hope there is). I wish everybody has the same opportunity and takes advantage of it because tomorrow never knows. Have a good night.
Music sets the mood, Sometimes not the 1 you think of...
I'll be quick here, but I've noticed a trend were music meant for 1 mood is used for another. I'll list a couple examples and I have a video to show what I'm talking about.
1)The X-Files used a song called
Wonderful, Wonderful by Johnny Mathis during a scene where these 3 inbred guys attack and kill the town sheriff and his wife in their home, the episode was named
2)This last year
Lost used a song by Moma Cass called
Make your own kind of music in the season opener where Jack enters the hatch and all of a sudden this song comes up out of nowhere and he finds John(fellow crash survivor) with a gun to John's head by somebody he doesn't know.
3)The season finale of
Nip/Tuck's 2nd season has a attacker called the Carver(who attacks and deforming his victims) that threatened to kill Sean if he repaired any of his victims. Sean went ahead and did anyway and the season ends with him and his partner preparing for the worst. Sean waits for the Carver with a gun ready to kill the Carver. The song here is a love song by Art Garfunkel called
All I Know. The rest is in the video below.
Nip/Tuck exampleThat full scene is really intense, I only had a short clip to show what I was talking about. I think in some cases(like those listed above) that practice helps the show create a memory that goes beyond just a memorable scene. In a way it really ups the creep-out factor(at least in that clip) and it's really effective if you've never heard the song before; If you hear the song(from then on) on it's own the context of the song changes for you and takes you back to the scene. But if this becomes the new Hollywood thing it will loose it's impact and not stick out as much, just like every idea they run into the ground.