All Americans want ...
Now before I start I should tell you that I watch too much news. I just got finished watching two pundits(dumb word, by the way) talking about the war in Iraq. One of them said "All Americans want this war to end and our troops back right now." The other one said "Americans want to win this war and thus make it a safer world." I'm sick and tired of one idiot or another telling me what all Americans want. Let me end the debate once and for all.
All Americans cannot agree on any single subject!!!And all Americans can't even agree on that single point. Pick any subject you want and they will not be any overall
agreement. The local Best Buy could give free
HDTV's to anybody who goes there to claim it; and that would still get somebody pissed off. Here are a couple
complaints I can think of just off the top of my head...
01) Why can't they just deliver it to my house?
02) Why can't I get other free stuff to go with it?
03) I don't want one unless I earn it.
HDTV's won't be as cool it everybody has one.
05) Because I can only get one free.
I'll just stop here but you get the idea. If you can think of one think of any topic all Americans agree on just leave it in the comments section... and then I'll point out why you're wrong. How's that for
It would appear that there's a place lower than the bottom of the barrel.

Well I would talk to this but I think this link tells the tale isn't a much lower point to sink to, This is just really sad.
Update: The book and interview are being pulled, as for the money, I'm not really sure if he gets it or not.
Moving Day... Again!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, look at the photo to the left. That is a complete load of B.S. Hello my name is theJDman and I
HATE moving, and that photo does nothing but piss me off! It says,"Hi there, helping your buddy move is nothing but a great time, and when we're done all the boys are going to the bar to have a couple drinks."
I have never had a good moving experience whether it's me moving, or some family member, or some friend or whatever the reason I'm moving is. I don't know how it is for everybody else but I have never seen anybody smile during a move, in fact you learn from everybody else how much of an idiot the person who's moving really is.
Here is my list of the 10 insults frequently used during a move(in no particular order).
01) "For the last time, the landlord isn't an asshole. You're getting kicked out for not paying the rent."
02) "Doesn't this idiot know how to pack a box?"
03) "Put it down dumbass. Next time I'll just do it myself!"
04) "The box is labed Bathroom, so why in the hell did you put it in the Kitchen?"
05) "Who's the genius who put my glasswares under a box of power tools, and in a truck no less?"
06) "Hey! I'm not getting paid here so just shut the hell up!"
07) "Stupid moron, half this stuff(word replacement) isn't even packed yet."
08) "Wow, maybe it's not a good idea to move in with your boyfriend of the month all the time."
09) "Great, another wasted Saturday because he had to go and sleep with(2 word in place of 1) the landlord's wife."(and boy I wish I was making that 1 up)
10) "It might help if you could hold a job for more than a week."
And then there's one used before a move that is always said, in one form or another(always on a Thursday night).
"Well I guess we have to move your dumbass (place relatives relation and name here), so there's another weekend shot in the ass."
Look moving sucks all around, and it doesn't matter if you're moving on up or down, the moving parts sucks. I should end this on a positive point... But I just can't think of one.
And here's some good advice.
Update to last post.

Well I guess Kerry does know the words. Not too long ago John Kerry posted an apology on his website.
Do you know that feeling you get when something happens that you never.... everrrr.... Expected to see and when it happens you don't really believe it. I might still be sleeping and this is all a dream. And you right , I'm making a big deal out of this because this is the second thing I though I would never see; the first is included in the photo below.
Some people just need to shut up!
John Kerry 10/30/06 Pasadena, CA"I'm sorry" just doesn't seem to be in John Kerry's vocabulary. That's my biggest beef against him, his words against the Vietnam troops and this statement from a couple days and isn't apologetic; the reason is because he doesn't think what he's done is wrong. That's my view on it.
Update: I took the video off because it was no longer available.