The Next Great Blog is Next Blog>>

Recently I went looking for some of the Bloggers that were around when I decided to start this one. During my first year of doing this I made a list of Blogs to watch and as I said before... they're all done or stalled, only Lecy updates hers and that's only every so often(with months, or even a year between posts). One of the people I did find was the Deciever, she said she's doing well and that she just got bored with it. I can understand that, I heard basicly the same thing from somebody who didn't want me to use their name.
It's sad, when I logged on I would check Email and then go check my favorite Blogs; It came to a point where I knew that was it, there wasn't going to be any new posts, pictures, updates It was the end. I compair it to the time they ended Buffy the Vampire Slayer(I was there from the begining, I was also 1 of the 5 people who watched the movie in the theather), I believe that it was the greatest show of all time, on every level you can use to judge a show from the writing, character developement, acting talent, look of the series, and so on.
It's one of the truths of life: Enjoy what you have when you have it, because when it's gone, It's gone. Which in turn leads to another one of life's truth: You can't live in the past and there's always something else you can do. Buffy may be gone, but there's Battlestar Gallactica(well not anymore, bad example), Dr. Who, My Name is Earl, and last but certaintly not least, Lost.
"OK, what's the point of all this?" you're probably asking yourself. The point is I found the Blogs I liked and stopped there when I didn't need to, I should have kept going. At the very top(middle) there is this button Next Blog>> , go ahead and click it as I intend to. I am going to find my new favorite Blogs, I will revisit this subject at a later date to share what I found. The journey ahead is filled with feelings of sadness and regret, but is also with excitement and anticipation... You could find somebody who's a great writer with profound views of life and the world, but on the flipside you could find somebody who's trying to sell you access to their sexcam. You don't know what's ahead, click it and find out.
Just one more thing, another one of life's lessons: You never completely close a door to somebody or something. And in the spirit of that I have this to say... Deceiver, if you ever decide to get back into Blogging and should need my help for any reason, Just ask and I'll do everything I can. I really miss your blog.
Oh yeah, That's Why!

"Hey JD, where you been?" See the photo above and answer your own question. There has been several questions about the last post and I have this to say, why does everybody reply to this Blog in Emails. I enjoy feedback, but It gets to the point when my family tell me(in Email, Ha?) that nobody even reads this Blog, because you never have any comments. OK back on topic, I found that poem on somebody else's site and for some reason I thought I knew this from somewhere. I finally figured it out, part of it is from a song on an episode of
The Greatest American Hero and the rest is badly written. Just read through it and you'll be able to tell. Now that it's been about 15 minutes I can get back to
Resident Evil 5.
Sometimes things don't go like you plan...
Sometimes happy turns into sadness...
Sometimes health turns into sickness...
Sometimes wealth turns into poverty...
Sometimes love becomes hatred...
Sometimes life becomes death...
Sometimes you wonder why you try...
... and only you know why
Because sometimes things work out just like you planed...
WHY!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST TELL ME WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The 10 Greatest Characters in Television History: 2nd Post

Now before I start let me state that I did not place these in any order, so that doesn't mean this or the last post is not better than any of the others. So lets start with this Post, one of the Greatest Characters is from the British Television show Coupling, and her name is Jane Christie. If you're surprised by this choice then I know that you've never seen this show, now make sure you check out the original UK version and not the brain trust who decided to make an American version(quick mini review: IT SUCKS!).
Now how do I explain Jane, It's difficult but I have a video below this post to show you what I'm talking about. Jane is played by Gina Bellman(currently on Leverage on TNT) who's done lots of other work, which I won't list here due to the nature of this post. In the Pilot episode Jane's boyfriend Steve tries to dump her after which he asks somebody else for a date, then he has to dump Jane a second time right before his other date. Which gets ugly when his date shows up at the same time Jane does. I guess it's like Friends(you know, if Friends didn't sucks).
I love the Jane character, she's completely insane, in the way that somebody who talks without thinking about it first. This whole thing is hard to put into words and I should not have written this while half-asleep, but for now enjoy the video. Coupling is available on Netflix and Instant Netflix on your Computer and Xbox 360.