I've been very busy lately, and will be at least through May and possible into June. I can say nothing about it, except it will be keeping me busy. I will try to keep up the Blog but just realize updates will be slow in coming.
The only thing I can tell you is this... Nope I can't even tell you that. Later...
I tried the new Blogger setup, and I'm back to the way it use to be. Not impressed that much and even thought it's harder to edit html than it is to use the boxes setup, I lost that sense of challenge("What? Can you believe that this idiot is trying to pass off Blogging as a challenge?").
There is now a new section for my recent swell in readership(Welcome my recent contacts{OK, People I begged to read my Blog} from Facebook, My Space, and Twitter. Hit an all-time record of 26 views on Thursday.) and for those who can't read over 3 years of content in one setting, I've set up a section where you can read some of the better Posts from the past in the Blog Flashback in the links section; Updated every Friday.
That all for now, but I have a little gift for you and a picture of an in-law. Guess which one's which.
Update: Just added is a link to my Netflix Movie/TV/DVD reviews, so check them out if you're stuck for something to watch, link is above the Blog Flashback section link.
"OK JD, why did you decide to post both videos?" The first video is from a You Tube user named mememolly, I went looking for(so-called) You Tube stars and found her channel. I went threw her videos and I wasn't finding any title that was getting my attention, until I found this one. I was surprised to find this video actually, most of the other vidoes were what you would expect from somebody her age. I found a couple other vidoes I liked so I subscribed to her channel in hopes that another video like this would come again(OK I'll admit it, it doesn't hurt that she's cute either). Truth is most people can just answer it and afterwards just forget about it, but there are some like me who will examinate every aspect of it and what it means to the person you are, basiclly overanalize it. My answer is no, and that's because I don't think that I'm a person worth knowing; but that's another question for another time. Later...
Disclaimer: If you like Lindsay Lohan than I suggest(getting you head examined) that you don't read this. And in the interest of giving credit where it's do she does good work on the movies I've seen(took my Niece to see Herbie: Fully Loaded) including Mean Girls and others.
News flash: Lindsay Lohan and her DJ girlfriend(just because they say girlfriend in the article doesn't make it so, doesn't look like a girl and I'm not convinced) broke up. Everyday when I check IMDB for entertainment news there's a new article about her, It's either trouble with her(so-called) girlfriend, trouble with her family, or her complaining about her career going nowhere. Look this isn't the 80's and she's not Jan-Michael Vincent, nobody is going to put up with arriving on set drunk and drugged up(I'm not even in the business and I know that). She could be the greatest Actress in the world, but who's going to put up with it, it's just not worth it and she's not the only fish in the Sea.
Meet Kristen Stewart: Now here is an Actress who does
great work on the screen, takes her work seriously and doesn't overshadow the film(A Sandler movie, A Stallone movie, ect...), you can watch the movie and she's the character and not the big name Actress. It's also nice that articles about her aren't all filled with drama and after reading it you don't feel disappointed. I've seen her in four movies and she's always good, not overtaking a scene that's not hers and is there when she's needed.
I've seen and read interviews with her and it doesn't take long to realize that she's on the ball and takes her work seriously. Last week I had this discussion in a chat room where this guy tried to point out that she's not a great actress and is probably lying about her preparation in getting ready for a role. My response was this, "I believe she's telling the truth. And if she's not, that itself proves she's a great Actress." That's my point.
Why would anybody put up with Lohan when they don't have to. I read that Nobody believes in her and she tries to play characters that are good role models. If that's what you want then start at home. The first thing you need to learn is this, there is a different between tossing booze on a fire, or stepping away from it to find some water. I never write anybody off and if she goes back to making movies with role model characters I will take both my Nieces to see those movies. When it comes down to it, I'd rather see her succeed than watch her fail. And that's my final word on this subject. Later...
"I used to hurry a lot I used to worry a lot I used to stay out till the break of day Oh, that didn't get it It was high time I quit it I just couldn't carry on that way"
To escape the drama of past weekend I intend to update a previous Post. After Next Blog>>ing I found several Blogs that all look and felt exactly the same, I then found The Paddock, New Zealand. Our slice of paradise! This Blog is about a couple who bought this section of land, with coverage of the building of their dream house.
Blog Review:
The Good: The idea and overall concept of the Blog is excellent, this is an extremely interesting topic and you get to follow this couple on their journey from beginning to end.
The Bad: While the concept is solid and there are several pictures, the Posts themselves are usually limited to a paragraph. If you're going to choose this as your topic, you need to fully commit to it; Posts are short and to the point, I just think more is better in this case. Then next point could be good or bad depending on your point of view; when their house is built where can they go from there, living in the house? This Blog has a clearstart point and clear end point and when it's done, it's done. Another thing is there no way to contact the couple who make this Blog, no profile to view, no place to leave comments, no Email listed and I'm kind of disappointed, I wanted to talk with them about their Blog and let them know I was going to link there Blog here.
Overall I like this Blog and can recommend it, just be aware that you can completely finish it within five to ten minutes. The search continues so all that's left to say is Later...
"We have left all the darkness far behind us All those hopes that we had along the way Have made it to this day Like an old love song gone for much too long You hear it once again And it carries you away"
It is not the purpose of this Blog to get your pity or throw my hardship in your face. What I want is to run a Blog that you will want to come to, a place to make you think, have a laugh, and to share some of the better things the Internet has to offer. I know sometimes that there is too much focus on one of the three, that's just the way it happened and I don't apologize for it.
Last night I was given an opportunity to get it out, so I took it. I needed to, It's one of those things you can't really understand unless you've been there(words really can't fully describe it). All day I almost deleted that post about a hundred times, but I finally decided to let it stay. As long as it's there then it's not just my burden; It's not hidden so that it's not me against the world, and damn am I tired of that. I want to make an impact and leave my mark on the world, and you just can't do that when you're hiding in an alley watching the parade go by and being pissed because they don't want you in the parade. The truth is the World doesn't want you and it's not saving you a spot. If you want a spot, you need to make it yourself, Nobody else is going to do it for you. We all have something inside that sets us apart from everybody else, a talent we can embrace or waste. Sadly most of us let the fear of failure stop us from embracing our talent. The one thing I really learned during the last few years is this: I don't let fear stop me anymore, when you're dying(very slowly) you have time to think about life and where you think you should be, why you aren't is tied to fear. When I think back on it almost all my failures in life are tied to not taking the chance/opportunity because I would fail and look stupid and look how it all ended up, I was going to die and had nothing to show for it. I would have a few family members at a funeral and as things returned to normal It'd be like I never existed, just a paragraph in the local paper. If you take anything away from this; If you fear failure just go ahead and do it anyway, if you fail so what, gather up your courage and do it again. There's a great quote about that kinda goes like this: Courage is being scared to death and doing it anyway.
And one last thing, there will be times where I get pissed and not be thoughtful as it concerns content in some posts and in cases such as those I will put a disclaimer at the beginning of the Post. That's all I got for now and I need to get some sleep, so Later...
"What am I, Who am I, What will I be? Where am I going and What will I see? Searching my mind for some truth to reveal, What thoughts are fantasy and what memories real?"
Reader Warning: This Post does contain many objectionable terms and sentiments. If you feel that you might be offended, It's in your best interest to skip this one.
"Really JD? Lost's Kate looks like Amy Grant? Is that what we can expect from the website? Lately it's all been Lost and other pop culture horseshit. Where is there any kind of substance in any of this shit and what does it have to do with starting over just like it says in your little slogan. I am all done with this website and with you."
That was one of five emails I received in the time between this Post and the last one with the sentiment being the same. The truth is that beside a few family members there are seven people who read and give feedback to me about this Blog; As far as I know those are the only people who ever read this Blog if you don't count the average person that accidentally comes across here. Maybe Christopher's right, NO FUCK THAT!!!!!!!!!! This is my Blog, if I want to put up pictures of naked girls eating cheesecake then I will, if I want to complain about the cops in my town than I will, and if I want I will put up pictures of Amy Grant and Evangeline Lilly than I will... And if you don't like it than YOU CAN FUCKING WALK!!!!!!! You want to know what my life is like, what it's like to get back to normal, to start over? Start over; How in the hell can I start over when this thing never ended. It's not like the Doctor can push a button to eject the broken Liver and put a new one in, doesn't work that way; In fact getting the transplant and living through it was the easy part. I had two cases of organ rejection, a case of CMV(constant puking where you need to eat or you'll vomit important body fluids), a month long of non-stop major back pain when it hurt to do anything, 2 seizers that were really bad(so I'm told, can't remember either one) right after the operation, going through tons of different meds to find the correct mixture including several headache ones with not one that actually works, and last but not least a non-stop headache that feels like somebody trying to crush your head in on a good day, on a bad day it's 5x worse to the point it even hurts to breath. Do you know what the worst part is, everybody thinks after you get the new Liver, it's over and everything will go back to the way it was, and then there's a lot of people don't see you as you anymore, you're that transplant guy or Frankenstein(which pisses me right the fuck off, it's not like I needed to hear any of you speak to know that were nothing but a group of Dicks). Some days, I don't know; For years I didn't do any activities, didn't have any friends,no girlfriend... I was there but I also didn't exist, and it was that way for years. Then Senior year arrived and all of a sudden it was a united Senior class, so suddenly I was OK... NO FUCK THAT!!!!!! Then the head cheerleader talked to be about Graduation and I told her,"to take all your Graduation bull and stick it up your ass."(I shouldn't have done that, she never said a mean word to me) then I left. After School I didn't have to be around people so I wasn't. It was during this time when my Sister signed up for the Exchange Student program and there was a student from Germany named Barbara around; She's the nicest person I ever met in my entire life and God do I miss her, everyday. Then things go back to normal again, and during the course of a year I'm in and out of several clinics until one doctor finds it, Liver chrossiss and If I didn't get a transplant, it was game over. Right there, in that moment was my way out; outside of my family there was nothing, nothing to lose, no reason to stay, no friends to miss me, wasn't making my mark on the world. I decided to go for a transplant, and did it for only two reasons. First is I needed to make sure my Nieces would have an Uncle, a real one and not just a relative you see once a year at Christmas. Second during talks with the Doctor he talked about several characteristics of people are affected by this condition, I had this my entire life and getting worse each year; That's it! That's what kept me from getting friends, ambition to get started in life, ambition to be a writer. I always believed it was my destiny to be a writer and to create the greatest television show ever made, something that was so beloved it would be the one thing people would associate with me and would be on my gravestone. And now about five years out I know that's not the case, I don't know. I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing, I mean maybe the next guy in line would have done better, have a better life and be more deserving to live than me. It doesn't seem right that somebody had to die so I could live, there are some nights that I think about it and the guilt keeps me up all night.
I made the choice to live and that's it, I don't get to change my mind because It's not just my life I'm wasting, but also somebody who wanted their death to mean something, my death can mean life for another. The truth is I know I'm alive for a reason, there is something of great importance that I have to do... I just wish I knew what it was so things wouldn't seem so pointless. So there it is, if that's what you wanted you can go now. For anybody else who wants to know what to expect from this Blog, read the last three years of material and expect more of the same. As for now I need to get to bed, my Nieces are coming over for a Saturday with Uncle Anthony.
Before I end this post I would like to give thanks for those people that I've meet and talked with(some more than others) and those who I've re-connected with in the last five years. Thank you for all sharing some of your time with me. MsSeptembr1984, your Blog has the best title of all time: True Stories I Made Up Sherry75, thank you for letting me beat you for that round in DOA4(you know the one I'm talking about) Teresa Woodside, thank you for proving that not everybody in our class was a Jerk(just more than it's fair share). Christina Mason/Bernard, you're the first truly talented I met on the Internet, I hope your dreams come true(and thanks for your Cowboy Heel). Deceiver, one of the first Blogs I came across that wasn't an average everyday Blog. You have an insight and eye for catching and conveying an emotion(even in a picture where you wouldn't expect to feel one) and I hope all goes well with School and Graduation(or at least better than mine did). Donald, Donald, Donald, I can't even say your name without cracking up. Donald is Lost Podcast is better than Lost has been this year(don't get a big head over it, you know it's only because Emile DeRaven isn't on this year). "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T LISTEN TO!" Yes!!!! I finally got to say the line. And thank you for reading this, letting me get a chance to vent. I promise something more lighthearted and funny(OK I'll try to be funny) next time. Later...
"It's been a long road, getting from there to here. It's been a long time, but my time is finally near. And I can feel the change in the wind right now. Nothing's in my way. And they're not gonna hold me down no more, no they're not gonna hold me down."
Here's a better Question. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bored Yet? How long does it take for this video to bore you? For me it takes 16 seconds to quit watching, how about you? Leave you view time in the comments.
theJDman: Best in small doses
Don't forget to check out Classic Posts with the Blog Flashback section in the links, Updated every Friday.