This is perfection, proof included.

This is the Coyote X. This is also just an excuse to put this photo up on this Blog. This is also an excuse to see how difficult it is to upload a photo to this Blog. This is the first thing I'll blow my money on when I get rich. This is also how somebody can become my friend real easy, buying this car. This is just an attemp to keep me from being board. This is not as unboaring as I though it would be. This is the last time I listen to Air Supply while I'm working on my Blog. This is acctually a sad attempt on my part to see how many sentinces in a row I can start with "This is". This is my last sentince.
It's A Good Life.
Last night before I went to sleep I watched my favorite episodes of
the Twilight Zone, It's A good life and
It's Still A good life. If you're not familiar with the episodes, the first deals with a seven year old boy whose has powers including the power to make people disappear (into a cornfield) and none of the adult will try to stop him; the second is about 40 years later where his kid has greater powers that he does. You have to see them to get the full effect.
Now why did I bring this up, I've noticed a lot of complaining about the government, the President, the Laws, ect... Where you ask, it's all over. I've seen it on the news, on several websites, and even a few Blogs seem to be pushing the hate (not all mind you, but some) and focusing on what's wrong. So in the midst of all that how can I use that title to represent this post.
It's a good life, look at all that's around here and now; I mean back 20 years ago listening to music on the road meant carrying around a big box of cassettes in your car, now your MP3 player is about the size of a cassette. There tons of stuff like that I could place here but look all around in all different aspects of life and you'll see what I'm saying.
For all those who push hate and then sit back and watch it happen have no real voice. I mean if it bothered you bad enough you would do something about it; but in the meantime chill out because there will be a new president in two years, and 100 days later the cycle will start again.
Wow look at me rabble, rabble, rabble.
A quick run through the Blogs.
For the past couple hours I've been reading some of the other blogs just to see what the whole blog deal was all about. I have run into several different types of blogs ranging from diaries, to merchants (I think), to photos of some guy's house, to people who just started their Blogs. There was also a lot of Blogs that were in different languages, so I'm not exactly sure what they were about.
So why did I do this, I already know the Blog I wanted to do. In a post on another Blog I ran across somebody who has almost given up on a Utopian society; I replied about how there will never be a Utopia because everybody has their own vision of Utopia that nobody else will share. It got me to thinking about how we are all different and how others deal with life. I ran across a couple Blogs I will be keeping an eye on.
And as far as Utopia goes, it personal and only comes in moments... You know the moments I speak of.
Test post/ link photo

This is basically a test to make sure all is working. I guess I should post a topic, here goes.
Can somebody explain to me how the music of Quiet Riot can be used to push French fries. If you don't know what I am talking about there is a commercial of some type of crisp French fries that has the song
Cum on Feel the Noise during the commercial. Now when did heavy metal music become acceptable, I remember when Twisted Sister was called into committee hearings about indecent material. I guess m&m (yes that how I'm gonna spell it) is what's considered tough. I don't know about you but somebody like that would have been beaten up everyday at any of the schools I've been in. And If that's not bad enough, you can also listen to Quiet Riot on the Classic Rock station here. How long before the group will be played on the Oldies station, and then what will happens to the current oldies.