Just take a second to chill out.

I'm sure you've seen this picture by now. And now the Supreme Court is going to hear this case and everybody I know is just losing their mind about this situation, on both ends of isle.
I think everybody just needs to stop and take a breath. Then take a realistic look at the story and think about it rationally and come to a logical conclusion(and since most people can't do that I'll do it for you); this kid is a stupid dumbass(end of story). This kid isn't smart enough to come up with this plan because he hates Jesus, I'd say he was probably dared to and just did it. Look everybody, just take a chill pill and sit back and watch 24 tonight. Here's a link on the story
http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20061202/news_1n2scotus.html Later
Fun, fun, fun until Viacom takes the T-Bird away.
theJDman has just joined You Tube and after being there just a couple weeks of posting video all my fun is about to come to an end. Read this report of the current money whores latest target
http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2007/03/14/copyright_war_flares_with_suit_vs_youtube/ .
Well when I get sued I'll make sure to let you see all legal transcripts so you can see why you pay $25 for the new DVDs. Enjoy the site while you can, and don't think this is just about
copyrighted material, it will lead to sue those who slam
copyrighted material as well. Later.
One year ago...

OK I am jumping the gun a little but I have to have a reason to change that photo that use to my profile picture. I have now changed it.
Now here's some sad news, when I started this Blog there were six other Blogs I was going to keep an eye on and learn how to run a Blog from them. Half of them are gone and the other half seems to have let their Blogs in limbo. But you can't live in the past and we must still go on(at least until I get a life).
What have I learned in this last year. There are quite a few things to tell of so I'll just explain in a list.
1) The people who hated you in High School still hate you, but the ones you never really knew will take the time to talk a little. Those of you who follow this Blog will remember
Exit '93, he tried to disrupt this Blog just to be a Jerk(he hated me in school and still does), but with some help I broke his password and took over the profile. And after the nightmare at Classmates.com I did actually find a few old friends and somebody who I would have never expected to talk to, which was cool.
2) Some people are even stupider than I would have ever thought, what you need examples. OK here you go.
A) A boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend, and a mother have a three week court battle over where a girl is to be buried.
B) A major publishing company give millions to O.J. Simpson for a book on how he would have(did) killed his wife.
C) John Kerry tells students to be smart or you end up in Iraq. It's a joke he didn't tell right(BS) and it was meant to demean the President. OK so the It's the President's fault that the troops are stupid? How is that funny, the only joke in this situation is you. Kerry you're a stupid Jackass, I can assure you that my relatives over there are not stupid... The same can't be said for you.
D) Paris Hilton is still famous. Here's a good question
WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that's not all, we have to hear about Britney Speares and Lindsay Lohan and all the dumb stuff(word substitute) they do. "I'm in rehab, now I'm out, In, Out, In" "I'm always unable to work because I need to party. I'm so serious about getting better the first thing I'm gonna do when I get out of rehab to go party the same night." Who decided to give them money(did I miss a meeting?), It would seem that you get common sense or money... actually some people don't get either one, how sad.
I could go on but I need to keep my blood pressure at a certain rate.
3)You Tube isn't just for looking up old clips of
Titus(the TV Show). There are actually people there who make video that are worth watching(I know). But you have to take the good with the bad, I mean some guy put up a video of stuffed lamb on a computer for two minutes straight(What? Why?). Then there's your usual porn type stuff(which doesn't stay up there long{Damn!}) To play it safe go to
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=theJDman and look for the subscribed to section for channels I can recommend. If you're looking for Asian Lesbians, you need to look elsewhere.
There are other things I could put down, but that would just be indecent(I wish). This last week I took a look at all of the posts I made and decided on(IMHO) the best post of this entire Blog. If you have not read this post I hope you will take this opportunity now and do so now
http://thejdmanwayoflife.blogspot.com/2006/05/music-of-our-lives-where-is-it-now.html Later.
And thank you for reading this for as long as you have.
I wear my Sunglasses at Night

Can somebody answer me a simple question? "Why can't I find a pair of sunglasses that are real sunglasses!?!" The way I see it(yeah I know, get over it) there are two purposes for a pair of sunglasses; First being to keep the sun out of your eyes, and two is to keep people from seeing your eyes. These days that doesn't seem to be the case.
A few days ago I went looking for a sunglasses and found several hundred that we anything but. Every single pair I found were see through. Let me repeat that, "Every single pair I found were see through!" Now here's the obvious question, WHY!!!!!!!!?! Sunglasses used to be dark or

mirrored so people couldn't see their eyes and I can prove it. In this post will be two pictures of what use to be sunglasses and what now passes for sunglasses. Now for the height of stupidity I saw a pair where the lenses were less than half an inch long, what is the point of that? Am I missing something, do I have to go to California to get a good pair of sunglasses and then have to pay $500 because somebody has their name on it. Hell even the dollar store has the same crap. Damn!
BTW: I forgot to mention how cool real sunglasses make you look. Tell me that's not the coolest kid you've ever seen.