Just Lose It

I just don't know what to say here. Have you ever seen somebody self-destruct, it looks alot like this and usually ends in death(of themself or somebody else). It would be really easy to put up some "Psycho" type jokes but this situation will probably end very badly and I don't need to put up with the backlash

that would come. I'm done with this post. If you happen to be a fan this is a good time to say your prayers. I entended this to be a more humiorus post then it turned out to be, Sorry about that. It's easy to laugh here, but you never see people laugh when somebody is drowning and believe it or not this is the same thing. This is not the post I wanted to write but after thinking about there is nothing funny here. Damn.
Update: Not really but I wanted to end on a better note so here's a video to enjoy.
YOU TUBE voyage
Since I had the choice of babysitting or "you can sit home and do nothing all day". So with my current free time I decided to roam the Internet, listen to the soundtrack for O Brother, Where Art Thou(Over and over{I gotta cut that out}), and visit my usual sites, and(of course) I stopped on YOU TUBE to see if Brookers had put up a new video up. While looking I found this video(post above this one) and after watching it I decided to look up some of the other "YOU TUBE Superstars" and see some of their videos(I don't know why I didn't do this earlier). I found a couple more channels to keep an eye out for. Listed below is links to those sites.
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=boh3m3 This is the link for Boh3m3, his videos seem to be more one-on-one(talking to the camera) style. This is a no BS zone so if you like things more PC you'd probably like watching Barry Manilow: Live in Salt Lake City better. I enjoyed his video on conspiracies.
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=JackDanyells This is the link for JackDanyells, his videos are comedy oriented. I like his videos but if I had a complaint I say some of the videos seem like he's trying too hard, but I'm super critical(at least that's what they tell me) of some things. Watch his lost video for Jennifer Garner's cell phone number.
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=BaratsAndBereta This is the link to Barats and Bereta, their videos also happen to be comedy oriented. Their theme song is lame(on purpose, I think) but the video about office warfare is great and proves that staplers and ties don't mix.
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=thewinekone This is the link to thewinekone(yes that how it's put on the webpage). Now somebody explain to me why an idiot like Michael Bay is allowed to make crap like Texas Chainsaw remake and The Beginning and this guy here isn't making movies, or at least shorts they use to play before the trailers at the moves, before you had to sit through the Dodge commerical, the Shaver commerical, the Coke commerical, the TV trailers for shows you'll never watch when they come on(usually Fox), and finally the trailer of the theater you're in to tell people to turn off your cell phone(because most people aren't smart enough to do that on their own) and don't forget to gain 20 lbs by eating popcorn, candy, and pop. On the main page you'll see a video called Internet Creepo, that is absolutely the best video on YOU TUBE, bar none.
I found a couple other channels I'll keep an eye(one of which I'll turn the volume off and watch while listening to Billy Ocean{And how is she can talk while trying to eat her knee anyway}), but these were the ones that really caught my attention. Do yourself a favor and check them out(watch the video not; Nevermind).
Chick Flick Moment *AKA* The Future? or The Letter
Before I begin let me just say that this is not the normal post I usually write, and I will probably remove it in a couple days. Consider yourself warned.
I have a few things to talk about here so I'll just start with the date, Valentine's Day. For the second year in a row I just finished watching
A Walk to Remember, 
Of course last year I read the book then decided to watch the DVD. Both are very well done and I need to say the Movie would have played better if it followed the book closer but what's done is done. After watching it I had a vision, glimpse of the future, or maybe just a wish realization(note to self: never use those two words together like that again); I believe that the future will see a once in a lifetime role that Mandy Moore will just nail and the World will remember it to the exclusion of everything else she will ever do. Now before you say there are several twenty-something actress now that can do the same and make that moment is history, you're right but I just see Mandy Moore in that Future. What do I mean(yeah what do I mean)? Let me

explain with another example. Who is Vivien Leigh? The most common answer(except for who is Vivien Leigh?) is she play
ed Scarlett in
Gone with the Wind, and that is the extent of what most people know her from. The truth is Vivien Leigh has done other big movies at their time but GwtW is what she's remember for. Now some people might think well that sucks, being remember for one thing. I don't see it that way, because let's face it
Gone with the Wind is a movie that's been around for almost 70 years and everybody has seen it, and It's not going anywhere.
So, do I think
A Walk to Remember that movie? In a simple one word answer, No. Don't get me wrong this movie has it's fans, but I don't see it being remember on that scale, Moore's place in history is yet to come, her performance in that movie only showed me she can nail it when the time comes. Well when it comes to her fans, they will remember all her success; I'm talking about the world in general. It's something to look forward to(Of course she'd be a lot cooler if she was related to Roger Moore{the real James Bond 007} but nobody's perfect) and I can't wait to see it.
And just one more thing, I Just received a letter from somebody I haven't had contact with for about 5 years. She is the nicest person I have ever met but for some reason I'm not sure what she has to say and I haven't opened the letter. I'm sure everything is fine but I just have this voice telling me to wait, It's the weirest thing and I don't know why but I seem to dread opening it. Maybe I just don't want to open it after seeing that movie, I don't know.
Theme songs: Part 2
Remember the post where I complained about how TV shows now don't have title theme songs anymore. Well, I guess I'll just shut up now.
Who is this Person?

Who is this person? To the majority of those who will run across this particular post will not really be able to answer that question, actually I'm not really able to answer that question either. The reason I know him is because he was married to one of my cousins. I met him during the couple years before my operation while I was really sick and sadly my memory is really foggy about that time. Among the memories I do have is that he was always one of the first people who would always ask how I was doing; now some might just write that off as good manners, but I know he really wanted to know and cared enough to ask, that meant a lot at the time(and still does). There's a lot more I could say but I'm going to keep some memories for myself.
It's been a whole year now and life goes on, because it has to... Life doesn't stop for anybody, no matter how important they are, or the hole that's left after they're gone. I use to worry about the person who died, I'd wonder if they were OK in the afterlife or if it was all over when the casket shuts. I've come to realize that is doesn't really matter because either way they're not here anymore. Now I seems to worry more about those family and friends that were left behind. My main regret is that I never got to know him better, I always figured there was plenty of time for that later and I was busy with doctors all the time, but now that seems like a cop-out and if I really wanted to I would have made it happen, my regret does me or anybody else no good because I had the opportunity and just didn't take it.
Who is this person? His name is/was
Kyle Forehand
Is this what a terrorist bomb looks like?
This has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen(and since I watch the news

everyday, that's saying something). From what I understand little blinking boxes of a character of the show
Aqua Teen Hunger Force where put all around several cities to promote the show. Now some of the people who saw these things(Mini light Brights, IMHO) and naturally thought they were terrorist bombs. Now the people involved with the show had to go to jail and now everybody involved with that show is in trouble. Among the cities was Boston where they spent 1.5 Million in response to this incident(I'd like to see that that bill, overkill don't you think?) and the Gov. Deval Patrick is not amused (looking at him I don't think he's ever amused).