Yes I finally found another Actor that's really good and hasn't gotten major fanfare. Now just so you know I have a list of Actors that are possible candidates, I then wait about a year or so to see if they become famous or not. There are different leaves of fame(news coverage, webpages about the actor, major coverage of a project they have a major role in, ect...) which are also taken into account. The main reason I haven't done a post like this recently is because most of the actors on the list have started to get a get a certain level of fame, and others have a good chance of taking off and you expect them to, then it doesn't really happen. Well that's enough about that, let's get this post started. Just one more thing, I didn't choose based on looks alone(If that were the case this Blog would would be nothing but a fanboy lovefest of Kristen Bell, Victoria Pratt, and Asia Argento[Oh My]) because let's face, there's are too many Pretty boys(or girls) that couldn't act their way out of a plastic bag.
Now if you watch any amount of TV, chances are you've seen this Actor on you're favorite show(or maybe a couple that are not so hot) as a character once or twice. Her name is Jayma Mays and she's been on(this list is going to give me carpel tunnel) Entourage, Ghost Whisperer, Pushing Daisies, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, House M.D., How I met your Mother, Six Feet Under, Ugly Betty, and Heroes among others. As far as her list of movies, there's Red Eye, Flags of our Fathers, as well as a staring role in Epic Movie.
I've seen Epic Movie and it was good for what it was suppose to be, Not my kind of movie so I can't fairly judge it. Her work on Ugly Betty has been good so far(recurring character), starting out as a nice character but now not so much. What's really got my attention is her role in Heroes as Charlie. She starts out by being killed by the Show's main Villian. Then one of the series leads(main character), Hiro goes back in time 6 months to stop her murder, only to realize She has Cancer and is going to die anyway. That subplot is my favorite storyline in the entire series(so far) and showcases what two great actors can do to make a scene into a moment that you will always remember.
Now there happens to be more information about Jayma Mays then there was about Julius Carry, so if you go looking you'll find some. You can see her IMDB profile at . And with any luck we'll be seeing more of her in the coming years.
Update: I was directed to a fansite for Jayma Mays, you can find it at
Wow the fans love your Character, so you'll have to die
THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!! I'm sick and tired of spending the time and getting engaged in TV shows and their characters only to have them killed off because that seems to be the current trend. During the past 7 days a total of 7 characters died on shows I watch(and no it wasn't 1 a day). Once in awhile it's OK, to keep viewers on edge(shock value) when the storyline works up to it, for example Charlie's death on Lost. Well if this kind of thing bothers you here are the biggest body count offenders, in no particular order...
1) Battlestar Galactica
2) Lost
3) Prison Break
4) 24
Consider yourself warned. And what really bugs me is shock value meaningless deaths that come out of nowhere, for example Libby on Lost. Now I know that show has a tell to the fate of main characters, If any actor gets a DUI they will be killed soon. Now check this out, Torchwood has a cast of 5 Main characters, and in the finale they killed two of them.
Now I know that there are advantages to this style of TV, for example a movie star like Michelle Rodriguez can do a short run on a series and then go back to movies(Lost if you didn't know). It also keeps you on edge, but it shouldn't get to the point where you have to worry that your favorite character is going to die every week.
One last thing, some programs really push for the reality of the moment to make things as bad as they can be. On Battlestar Gallactica they just killed a character named Cally by shooting her out of an airlock. Now normally I can just let it be with an, "Aw, Damn it. That really sucks." Now for some reason I can't stop thinking of this, I don't really know why or if it's good storytelling or bad storytelling. All that I do know is one thing... That one really bugs me, it just really bothers me. Later...
*Update* The actress Nicki Clyne(Cally from Battlestar Gallactica) has a Blog where she provides a unique perspective on the death of her character. It's a good read, you can read it at the following link
OK before you get all worked up this post is not about Sex(of course it's capitalized). Now for the rest of you who are still reading let me point this out, Sex is not all that great and I can prove it... Sex is one of only three ways you can get AIDS(All caps, do you really have to ask?), point made (how's that for taking the wind out of your sails?) and now let's go on.
Now my post has to do with the picture to the right, that's what I refer to as the TV on DVD wing(oh yeah, I'm the man). The DVD format is great, the Commentary track is one of the greatest ideas ever conceived. This post is about one specific section of the DVD market, TV on DVD. I'm actually surprised it took this long for it to happen, there were some TV sets on VHS but for the most part they were "best of" type sets. Now we're getting full Seasons and other extras on the sets. That's a great thing for the style of shows(with a continuing series/season storyline) that seems to be on these days; for example there's 24, Lost, Prison Break, and Battlestar Gallactica. It gets even better, because they're releasing shows from the past(of course not all of them, where's "Just the 10 of Us") and even some of them have gotten extras. Several of my favorites have been released and several I thought would never be(thank you Anchor Bay for releasing Titus, 3rd Rock, and the Greatest American Hero, so take a bow).
Now there's always a catch so here's the bad news. Several TV series sets have released -WITHOUT- the original music used during the original Series run. Now let me repeat that, "released without the original music". Now some of the shows it really doesn't matter, for example the Greatest American Hero and Hardcastle & McCormick for the most part used music made just for the show. Now on the other hand, shows like 21 Jumpstreet and Miami Vice(Don't worry, they were smart enough to pay for the music) really lose something in the translation, several big moments on the DVDs of Jumpstreet just don't have the same impact(Just think of how different any James Bond/Star Wars/Grease movie would be if the DVD releases replaced all the music, not a pretty sight is it?).
Now I've talked a lot about the format it self but the real joy one can get out of it is the opportunity to share a piece of your youth with your family and friends. As I've been building my collection, I've been sharing it with my nieces. My niece Alyssa loves Punky Brewster and Sabrina: the Teenage Witch among others. Sometimes there's been shows she didn't like Perfect Strangers(oh well, I'll try again in about seven years) and I know not everybody is like me, and what a boring place the world would be then(wait a minute, if that was the case, Friends would never have been made, Quantom Leap and Buffy would still be on the air, and everybody will have watched The Buttercream Gang at least once).
One last thing, How is it that anybody doesn't like Perfect Strangers? I mean the show had a solid concept, a character that everybody loved, good selection of catchphrases, a memorable theme song(admit it, everybody knows the song when they hear it), and the show ran for 9 years(that's just under a decade). Now I know there are those who hate(or so they claim) the show, but a show doesn't runs for a decade when nobody watches it. Well Fox had to move Married... With Children all over the schedule to get it canceled(guess they were being cautious, I mean after the backlash when they canceled America's Most Wanted, let's just say there's a reason it's still on the air), I think they moved the time slot for it 4 times. Take that fact any way you want too.
Looks like I'm going long again so I'll say Later...
Before I start this post I will just tell you that I am 33 years old, and yes it is necessary to the story.
Earlier today I was at the Target and was looking around the electrics department. I apparently cut in front of some elderly couple at the check-out; the truth is they were looking at some cookies on an end isle near the check-out. The old lady(at the top of her lungs) yelled, "Well just go ahead and cut in front of us you F*cking Bastard!!!!!!!!!(is this enough, nope)!!!!!!!!" Now everybody is looking at me like I just killed a kitten, so I offered for her to go in front of me(not a good idea). "No!!!!!!! You just had to F*ck us over because you young people always have to rush and have no time or consideration for anybody except yourself!!!!" She yelled at me.
For the next 2 minutes I listened to how disrespectful America's youth of today is. I cut her off and asked, "Are you going to check out or not!?!" She continues her tirade so I turned around and started to check out. I figured that was over, but I was wrong. The old lady grabbed her husband's(?) Cain and whacked me on the shoulder(really hard). Now if it was anybody but an old lady I would have grabbed that Cain and see what happens when bones and wood collide, which breaks first, but I didn't even turn around. I notice the Target Security guy starts to come over. She yells, "You damn kids are ruining the world, It's all your fault. Your damn generation!" That was it!
"Alright you old B*TCH, Listen up and listen good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said as I turned around and pointed a finger right in her face. "I'm 30 and and my generation isn't the one in power. My Parent's generation is, and most of them are so damn self-centered and greedy that they will F*ck over anybody or thing they can to get ahead. They also don't seem to be able to keep a family or marriage together. And I believe that your generation is the one that raised them, and what a great job you did!!!!!!!!!" By now the Target Security(Rent-a-Cop) grabbed me by the arm and said, "Come on Sir, you need to come with." I pulled my arm away and turned my attention right to him, "Do that again and I will hurt you(the truth is he could have very easily kicked my ass)." Then the Teller told him what happened, and while that was going on I turned back around and said, "You know your generation has It's blame in how the World is now. Like it or..." The Target cop had to escort me to the service counter to check out and also had to get my info(address and like that). I guess I'll have to talk to damn (real)Cop now. I think I'll avoid that place for awhile.
What is it about the Elderly? Why to they think they have the right to give me, or anybody crap and blame us for how the World is? This happened 1 other time and I just left the situation before it started to get out of hand. I know my generation isn't perfect, We do the best we can(mostly) and ours is really the first generation of Generation Ex(Divorce). Almost half the people I knew in school had been from broken families. I came to terms with my situation a long time ago, but it still bugs me sometimes. The worst thing about it all, is that I don't think I would do any better at the marriage game then my parents did. Actually that's another post for another day. I starting to get a little long so it's time to say; Later...
What can I say? What can I possible say about this Man? I'm not sure where to start. As I sit here and ponder what the best words... The truth is that no words are necessary, and that can rarely ever be said of one's life. There's only one question that can be asked on this; "Is the world a better place because he lived?"
First of all let me apologize for not keeping this Blog current, updated, not blogging on a regular basis. The truth of the matter is I tried doing the You Tube thing. Now I realize that was a mistake, the basic problem I found is that I was in my videos(not a good thing). There is one last idea I'm going to try, even though I don't expect it to work I'm going to try anyway.
What I am going to do is rededicate my efforts into this Blog. When I really started getting into You Tube I put all my efforts into making videos. In school I got involved with making videos and doing a sketch once or twice, This is something I could do and would be good at. The truth is acting is not my thing. I even went back and looked at my projects from school and really noticed how out of place I looked, didn't belong there. There's a reason I'm not an actor, besides my appearance and lack of acting talent(lack of talent doesn't prevent some from acting, and you know who I mean), It's just a place where I don't belong.
When I decided to jump into You Tube I almost erased this blog. At the time I thought I should just end it and be done. Every time I got ready to erase it, something wouldn't let me. Over the last hour or so I went back and read all of my posts and realized I have some good things in here, some posts that I absolutely love and others that are so lame they defy reason(C.L.B.'s and Bacon Cheeseburger Doughnuts).
There is another reason I decided to return. The Internet is a very interesting medium(blogging in particular) because you can put yourself out there and not really at the same time. You can write whatever you want and can believe that everybody or nobody is reading it(or how many people are), you just don't know(which can either be a scary thing or a fulfilling thing). I'm starting to go long here but let me end with this lyric from the Grateful Dead song Ripple. I think it describes what I was trying to say better than I could. Later...
"If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine
And my tunes were played on the harp unstrung
Would you hear my voice come through the music
Would you hold it near as it were your own? It's a hand-me-down,
theJDman: Best in small doses
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