Musical Trauma
Over the weekend I had the most interesting(annoying) conversation. This story will not be an exactly quoted post, but the overall story is true. The names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved(maybe not, never did catch the Dude's real name). The following takes place in the Best Buy a little after 10 am.
I was looking at the CDs, I knew there was a new t.A.T.u. CD out(I knew it wouldn't be there, and I'll have to important it over the Internet from whatever country it's released from) and just wanted to make a quick check. There was one copy of Dangerous and Moving and I picked it up to look at it. Then I heard this voice from behind, "Are you seriously going to buy those two dy---(You never know who you might piss off, but you know the word anyway), if that's what you want you should go ahead and buy that type of porny(porn-e, that's how he said it)." I put the CD down and turned to face the guy, "No, I already have this one." and then walked away. And after about a minute I looked at the Michael Jackson CDs(I always do, looking for the song Say, Say, Say on any of his CDs.) and I'll bet you already know what's coming. "Oh my God, are you going to buy that?" He said as I ignored him(and of course that didn't work). "If you buy that, you're giving him money that he'll use to molest more kids. Buying that means you support that type of behavior. Do you know how many kids he raped." I got up and got right in his face, "No, do you? I'll bet you have a copy of Thriller just like everybody else." He replied, "No, I burned my CD when I first heard the truth." This idiot is not worth my time, "Look! I will do what I will. And what you are going to do is make sure I don't see you again." It should be pointed out that I am the type of guy that most people don't bother, and that works just the way I like it, but every once in a while...
OK let's take this one at a time.
01) t.A.T.u. are they or aren't they...
CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, If you're simply there for the Lesbian content then save yourself some money, go to your local video store and look for movies with Misty Mundae in them. I like their music for the most part and that is my only concern for buying the CD/iTunes, and if you are buying it for any other reasons you are just wasting your money. Any performer(s) that can sing a song like
STARS is worth your attention. The rest of this is just smoke and mirrors using sex to sell you a product, the best example of this is Madonna. Madonna is one hell of a singer and that can't be disputed, and also nobody's better at using sex to push a product than her. That form of promotion often distracts from one's talent to one's reputation which in turn will turn away some customers, while attracting others. It's basically a bet that you'll get more customers pushing sex, than you're ability. I enjoy the singing ability of Julia and Lena; as for the rest of it, I really don't care(besides, the truth is that neither one of these girls would give me the time of day, either way).

02) Look, Michael Jackson is just out there(weird). I am going to settle this little dispute once and for all...
It's ok to listen to music from Michael Jackson. Listening to his music doesn't mean you agree with him or anything he did or didn't do. One thing we need to do is realize the difference between the person and what they can do, they aren't necessarily the same thing. At one time Michael Jackson was the most popular and loved man in the music scene, I never bought into that hype, but the one thing that couldn't be denied was his incredible talent. That type of thinking is the kind where you don't read the Bible because God is a mass murder(the ark). It's all up to you, if it bothers you to listen to his music than don't, but doing so doesn't leave you damned.
That how I see it and all I have left to say is...
Remember this: Children of the Stones

In the last post I talked about the television series
The Third Eye which ran several mini-series from other countries. I just got my copy of
Children of the Stones(which was finally released in US 2 days ago) and it did not disappoint. This is something I can point to and say, "Buy it!!!! Don't finish reading the post and just go now."
Children of the Stones is about a Astrophysicist and his son move to a small

English village, Milbury to study the stones surrounding the village. Once there they discover that most of people are different, are "happy ones". They try to figure out what's going on with the Stones, the People, and how his son's painting is tied into it all. Even thought this is considered a children's program, you could enjoy this as well, but make sure you watch it first before you let your kids do so.

This program is very similar to the television show
Lost. If you consider Lost to be a main dish, this show would be an appetizer. It's a seven part mini-series(25 minutes per episode) and well-worth you time. I have included a brief scene that I found on You Tube to give you an idea what to expect. I hope you get this DVD and share your insights here in the comments section. This is also on Netflix, if you have it, if you don't want to buy it. I don't know how many ways I can say it, you need to see this program.
Children Of The Stones Preview
Remember this: Under the Mountain
Before I start let me state that this is a idea I hope to return to every now and again. Like I said before I love the DVD format and the way several programs from the past are finally being released. So enough of the introduction and lets get started.

When the channel Nickelodeon started out(when I was your age I walked 50 miles...) I watched it every chance I had. There were several shows on there I've been looking for on DVD, and one show in particular. There was this show called
The Third Eye which had several mini-series based on children with psychic powers. During the run of that show I had two vague memories of it, one being some children swimming down through a jelly/slime filled hole to enter a tunnel, and second being a father and son that move to a town surrendered by a stone pattern like Stonehenge. I've been looking for these titles for almost five years, as in regards to this title, looking it the wrong place. I kept looking for the title Under the Valcano and getting information on anything but... I finally found a mention of the show
The Third Eye on a TV webpage with the correct name, a yahoo search later led to a website selling the DVD(Jackpot!).
Under the Mountain is based off a book from Maurice Gee. Twins Rachel and Theo are chosen by a friendly Alien to stop an evil alien force from overtaking the planet. I just got the DVD yesterday and watched the entire series with my Niece(enjoying a snowday). While not the greatest program ever, it did hold up really well(minus the special effects of course) and my Niece liked it as well, which is very good for a program from the early Eighties.
I have included a link to buying the DVD if anybody is interested(and several people I've run across in other Blogs, websites, and message boards are) I will leave a link at the bottom of this post and the page has a short preview of the DVD. This is how I got my copy, and it took about three weeks to get here. One thing to remember is that the price $29.99 is in New Zealand Dollars which works out to less U.S. Dollars, it was about $24 which included the shipping. If you have even the slightest memory of this show, or if it sounds interesting to you just go ahead and get it.
I suspect I will this revisit this topic sooner rather than
Some days just really suck.
I wish I had something profound to say here. Most of you know who these man were/are, so I figure the less said the better. I don't have the words.
Ricardo Montalban
1920 - 2009
Patrick McGoohan
1928 - 2009
Is Justice blind... or does it sometimes just look away?
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
-Martin Luther King Jr.

We all know that our Justice System is not perfect, I don't need to list examples or go into more detail about that statement. The way it should work is the state(government) investigates the scene, brings charges, collects evidence to prove the charges, and lets the jury decide based on the evidence(anybody who has seen more than 2 cop shows know this). I will try to remain objective through this post.
I want your opinion on this topic, and for that to happen I will need you spend some of your time, and maybe money and watch the following films.
01) Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills
02) Paradise Lost 2: Revelations
Now why are you going to watch these films and what do they have to do with Justice? These two films document the trials of three teens for the murder of three eight year old boys. I will do another Post on this later with my opinions about the case so I'll stop here. I want to hear your thoughts on this trial.
New Years Housecleaning
During the next week or so you'll see a few changes here. And yes I'm finally changing and updating the links(So you can all stop sending your letters now). There will also be several minor tweaks and such; Translation I intend to do as little as possible and make it sound good.
As for content in future I will tackle the following hard hitting subjects.
01) J.R. Ewing vs. Benjamin Linus: Who's the Worst?
02) A Bacon Cheeseburger Doughnut or an Orange: Which one's better for you're diet?
03) Another Essay about how much I hate the Elderly.
04) The damage to the planet caused by Red Ink Pens filling up our landfills because of teachers use of less intimidating Purple Ink Pens.
05) Everybody will realize the greatness of "The Greatest American Hero" TV show after watching the train wreck that will be the new movie remake(Coming in 2010).
You guessed it, a very slow day indeed. Anyways I'll get back to work on my Blog, or I'll just have supper and watch some Red Dwarf, oh look it's suppertime.