Only In America
I read the following article about this kid(yeah anybody younger than I am is a kid, Damn I'm old) on You Tube who just got a job to make video entertainment professionally. The article is here Now this is a sample of the videos on the site, It's not Tarentino(but really, how many times can 1 actually watch Kill Bill?) but it's good despite that fact.
The truthIf you go to You Tube and look for
Brookers and you'll find several other projects she has done, or you could save yourself the typing and click here I recommend
Paste &
Invention of Mr. Bucket(It's cute). I like to see that every once and awhile somebody who's good gets a chance, I've seen too many talents lost because they didn't get the chance and just gave up and settled into an ordinary life. Congrads and good luck Brookers, I look forward to what's next.
Now I will not be posting until next weekend at the earliest. When I return I will do the 1 thing that every form of media fears the most(before cancellation)... theJDman and this Blog will Jump the Shark.
No Junk food = No fat people
I just finished watching the news and heard some NY Idiot(government stooge) who had the perfect way to end the Obsitity epidemic in America. "If you want to avoid the obsitity problem all you have to do is restrict access to the obesity causing agents"(Ban junk food). That is absolutely brilliant, look at all the progress that policy has done in eliminating the illegal drug problem. I would laugh this off but the problem is that this idiot and other like him are in power and deciding the laws that we live by.
Look, here's the fact and everybody knows it but I'm going to say it anyway...
"If you eat fast food and junk food all the time you'll get fat!" End of Story, It's that simple, There's no reason to make it any more complicated than that. Big brother does not need to tell us how to live and what to consume. People are going to do what they want. If you need proof of that than just sit back and watch what happens when the smoking probation starts in 10/20 years.

Not exactly what Jarred had in mind.
Shark! Shark! Shark!
Pearl Station Alternative Video (Lost Spoilers, If you've never watched Lost)
If you watch the TV show Lost I have news. The following is the alternate pearl Orientation Video. This is 1 of the most horrifying thing I have ever seen, be warned.
Lost - Alternative Pearl Orientation VideoYeah I know, but it could have been worse... It could have been Paris or Yoko.
Gym business and The Worse food in the World
I'm back at the Gym again. I found a great deal and couldn't pass it up; 3 months for $99 at the Gold's Gym here. Now It's been 7 months since my old Gym sold out and since that time I heard nothing but "You gotta get back to the gym." from family, doctors, and everybody else I spent 2 minutes talking to. None of that got me to even entertain the idea, I liked the people at my old gym and I really hate change; anybody who knows me knows I really don't care about how I look(Ok I care, just not much) or fashion/clothes(black denim pants, T-shirt, overshirt/denim jacket depends on the weather and non see thru tint sunglasses... Why is in I can't find a pair, damn tint law) so I throw something on and out the door I go.

The main reason I hurried and jumped back into the gym was 1 thing... A Cheeseburger Doughnut! I saw this as a warning food in some only healthy food website; yuck right... But for a brief second I thought, "Hmm... I like Bacon cheeseburgers, and I like Doughtnuts(not KK, Mr. D's is good)" and in that second I decided I've been out of the game for way too long. This has to be the ultimate bad food choice, even worse than the McRib(but damn they're good) Super Size meal, with a shake. Now maybe some terrorist group came up with this in hopes it will become popular and cause massive deaths by heart attacks all over the country(Ok it's not funny, I'm sorry. Please don't sue). If anybody reading this see the picture and thinks eating that is a good idea...
The Search is over
This post is removed by request of those involved. So here is some interesting photos.

What do these photos have to dowith each other?
It's about time!

I bought 1 of the 1st DVD players when they went on sale at the Best Buy back in 1997. I was making a mental list of all the things I would like to see on this format and even though I knew if any TV shows would be released it would probably be a couple episodes
best of... type of thing. At the time the only DVD's they had were almost exclusively Warner Bros./New Line movies. I never figured they would sell TV series by season(thank you whoever came up with that idea) and get out the whole series that way. One of thing I wanted to see on DVD really bad is finally being released... Mama's Family. It was the funniest shows at the time(before Al Bundy) and It's the only reason I ever watch TBS anymore(which isn't very often), It's about time. Now to tell the truth here, The 1st and 2nd aren't the best(basically because I hate the Golden Girls and 2 of them are all over those seasons) but from season 3 on after Bubba shows up is when the show kicks into high gear(It's also when they stopped trying to make Vint smart, instead of a complete idiot the actor Ken Berry plays extremely well). Mama's Family will be released on DVD in late September.
Not quite 15 minutes.
Does anybody remember this dude?
1987 - Eveready Energizer - JackoThis was Jacko(no not that 1), he had a show for awhile(canceled) but was best know for that commercial. So I guess not everything in the 80's was awesome, but at least the 80's weren't stuck with the Spice Girls(The only "Scary" thing about them was that they even got a chance to get popular), Thanks Simon. I would trash them more but just thinking about them gives me a headache. How is it that 5 girl stereo-types represent "Girl Power";

1)The Hot Chick that will never talk to you
2)The Girl Jock
3)The Sexy Flirt(please re-cast)
4)The Scary Girl(uh, Ok)
5)The Cute Girl
If this group represents "Girl Power" then I guess the Village People represents "Boy Power"... Now that's scary.
My Space: The new SPAM (Post #40)
I joined My Space about a month ago and since then I have had 13 friend requests... 6 I asked for and accepted and 11 for various webcams and other similar material. I had three requests for the same person running a webcam, under 3 different My Space identities with different picture(same girl). There was another request from Jenny(yeah, I'll bet) who likes to hang out with her friends Kelly and Shelly and for $25 you see pictures of their adventures... "And that's all I got to say about that."
My Space has over 8 Million registered users(I just got another friend request about a second ago) and you know who 1 of them is; Lindsay Lohan's new movie
Just my Luck which has a My Space site to promote the movie(kind of makes you wonder who the other members are). Then there are those stupid ads

you see every time you log in(My Space doesn't remember passwords), I didn't know Natalie Portman did T-Shirt ads. Then there's everybody friend Tom(He's the head jock in high school who got the team together after the game to tap a keg and go tip Cows), he's your very first friend when you sign up. Tom fixes problems and enforces the rules of My Space; Translation: Tom is the Dorm Nazi. I basically stay there to talk with a few people I know and interact with my cousin, but otherwise I stay clear.
Ignore the ads, the JDman does not force ads on his readers... Unless It's
Eddie and the Cruisers: 2 thumbs up(both are mine)
The Major Studios are going broke?
Try to not feel too bad when you read the following story.
The major studios are in series finacial trouble. This year the sales of DVDs are only up 2%... This is the end of the DVD format, not only that but the end of movies and all other forms of entertainment that comes out of Hollywood(Is that a bad thing?).
I can't believe this group of Millionaires/Billionaires crying about lower profits, trying to make you think that DVD's are a gift from them and you should feel bad because they're losing

money(not money, but profits), "Well. I guess it's sucks to be you!" If you want bigger profits, here's an idea. Stop making a crappy product(not all of it sucks, just most of it). Oh, you don't make crap, then what's in the bin? I love the DVD format when it's used properly, but what upsets me with this story is that those with the money cry because they don't have more money. "Well F(-Bomb) you! I have no time to listen to the rich bitch and complain, have your Grey Poupon and shut the hell up!!!"
Name that Picture
I thought I should post something before people started to think I was dead. The problem is nothing interesting is going on today and the return of ECW is on in an hour so I'll just post this picture and have you come up with a caption for it(Yeah I know, "What, that's really dumb JD, why not just put up a photo of some hot *edited for content*" Well too bad, deal with it.)

May 28th 2004
This post is a very personal and very serious post, it's not for most people and I suggest you avoid this post and just go on to the next post. There has been 2 requests for this post and I have picked this moment for a reason. You might have caught this when I originally put it up in response to some jerk who went out of the way to attack me on this Blog, of course now I have erased all traces that he was ever here. Once I got rid of him I erased the post.
**********Warning: there may be something in this post you don't want to know so once again I ask you to skip it. This is your last warning, I just want to make sure that you know what's ahead.
On May 28 2004 I died, in any way you can determine one's death; I also was reborn on that exact same day. Now how did I get to this point, for that answer we need to take a trip to the past(there's a full story but this is the short version). We're going back to 2000 and start from that point.
anybody who knew/knows me knows I'm not involved in life, I'm on the outside looking in and I can't remember a time when that wasn't the case. So my last job at that point was as a Hotel Breakfast Attendant(translation: gopher) and after the suits fired the boss, I gave my 2 weeks in protest and then left. I was feeling a little off, no reason to get worried(or so I thought, hell by that point it was too late anyways). After a long while I went back out for another job, I hit 54 places and only got 1 call for an interview... McDonald(Don't ever say Rib Jr.s to me) and I heated that job so much I could have easily attacked several customers/staff for the complete lack of respect I received. I will never work there or anyplace like that again; then the final straw came when my idiot brother-in-law got hired and was going to be my boss(OH HELL NO!!!) so I left and never looked back. Then I caught bronchitis and it lasted for 3 weeks(usually it's there and gone within a week).
In early 2001 my niece Alyssa was born. Whenever Alyssa would get a coughed/cold or such I would always seem to catch it. Then that winter I got really sick, flu or something the idiots at Gunderson(clinic) could find anything wrong so they did nothing. After about 2 months I went back and after a bunch of tests they still found and did nothing. After about 3 months I got better and things were normal for awhile. Durning the Summer of 2002 my Dad thought I might be sick because he's sick from fighting in the war(that's all I'm gonna say, I'm sure you can read between the lines), so I took a psychical and that where they caught it. It took a simple blood test(which those Gunderson idiots took enough of) to detect an abnormality in the liver functions, so more tests were done and after all that they found it, Liver Cirrhosis. At this point the cause is not known, but what is known is it's not good news. While there I met a doctor from the Mayo Clinic who came down to consult on my case, "Here's where you are, you need a new liver, now. You should have come in a long time ago." and there it was. After the consult I asked him if this was an endgame. He said"We'll get you a Liver, you just need to be here when we get it." and that was it for the moment.
Ok let's get this out of the way. I have had 3 drinks in my entire life, a beer at a family reunion(couple sips), once at a party with my cousin Mitch, and 1 slushy peach breezer when I hit 21. I have had to answer that question about a million times and then explain it to others who find out because that's the first thing that comes to mind, "Another drunk who sank their liver". The one think that really pisses my off is that I never binged drinks and I'm left with the conciseness of it.
From there it was off to the Mayo Clinic and for the longest time It was nothing but tests for months. Alpha1-Antitrypsin Deficiency was the diagnosis, It's a birth defect where both parents have an extra gene(zeppo) and that causes your liver to die. I'm going to skip way ahead here to 2004 because there's some things I'm not going to mention. About the 15th of May I was admitted to the Transplant wing(again!) and at that point I just really didn't care about anything anymore and I don't remember much from that point except I was woke up early in the morning and told I was going to surgery and the first thing they did was put me to sleep(explain the sense of that). While I was under I(Nope, I'm not gonna talk about that either)... The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that I felt that I had the best I ever felt to that point.
Afterwards I found out that my Liver shut down in the afternoon on May 26th(my operation was on May 28th) and that after that you only have 2 days to live(nothing like waiting until the last minute huh).
There are other things to mention, but maybe at another time I'll get into them. The 1 thing I know from all this is that there's a reason I'm alive. The truth is if you were in charge of deciding who lived and died in that situation I would not have made it(to be honest I wouldn't have chosen me if given the same choice). I have things that I still have to do, I just have to find them and do it. After going through this situation I see a lot of things differently, and I see all the mistakes I've made through my life and I'm trying to be a better person for it.
I've posted this now because this whole next week is my 2 year post-op checkup and I will be busy focusing my energy and thoughts on that, so until then let me leave you with this...
No One But You -by- Queen
theJDman will return.
Enough is Enough

Anybody who know me knows I don't go out of my way to be a jerk, but I saw something today and I just have to say something about it. I was at the supermarket(yes again) and... I saw this lady who was in a specially made(must have been) motorized wheelchair which was almost as big as a park bench, the lady was easily 700 lbs. Now if anybody has seen the 1st episode of Nip/Tuck season 3 you'll know what I'm talking about, only a little bigger. I went about my business and later found her in the candy(right of isle) and the chips(left) and she and her husband/boyfriend(I don't know) were stockings up. It got me thinking, how can somebody let themselves get to that point, and how can the people around them let them get there. You'd think there'd be a point where, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" Now I'm not the picture of health because of certain factors, some I can control and some I can't; but if it gets to the point where you can't walk for any period of time, you need to get help. My Aunt Kris(in South Dakota) works with people who come for help, with some amazing success.
The real trick with this, or really anything in life is this... "When something bothers you enough, you will do something about it." Until then It'll just keep getting worse. I know there are some cases where it can't be helped but in that lady's case it was all on her, I mean that shopping cart was full of nothing but junk; She must know what she's doing, but just doesn't care. It's sad.