This is not an advertisement for iPod, but if Apple wants to send 1...

For the last few days I've been using my free time to go through my MP3's and getting them transferred over to iTunes. If I can squeeze enough $ together I will buy one. I didn't just decide "iPod is the most popular music player and since everybody else has one it must be the best."; I looked around the Best Buy which just happens to be the bestest store in the world(shameless plug, remember send the endorsement check to...), and looked at all the different kinds in the Mobil Audio section(next to the cell phones and bratty pre-teens whining to mommy because "All my friends have a cell phone.") and after a second of looking at them I get the guy working the station ask if I needed any help(Translation: "Hey loser, this area is for paying customers. Buy something or leave, iTunes pre-paided cards are around the corner."). After I got back looking to looking through the different players there were, then I got to the iPod section and nearly lost it. I went over to the guy who couldn't wait to help a minute ago and now he's busy(counting pens). From there went went over the price points for the different iPods. Now get this, 4 Gig iPod is $250 and then the 30 Gig iPod is $300 and finally the 60 Gig iPod is $400. "Are you kidding(child protected word) me?"/"I Think it's priced that way to get you buy the more expensive one."(Wow imagine that, I never would have though of that)/"How do you explain that sort of storage jump?"/"I don't know, the best deal..."/"Yeah I know the best deal, my music is about 7 or 8 Gigs. Does that mean I could buy a 26 Gig iPod for $50?" After thinking about it for a second("Here's your sign." No don't say it) he replied no. It would have went on from there but I took the quickest opportunity to leave. After that I went home and took a couple Tylenol(Extra strength Candy Flavored) and started converting my music to iTunes.

I chose the iPod because of all the accessories for it, and if I needed a battery I could buy 1 there(most of the other players had batteries available though the manufacturer which means waiting for the mail for weeks and the cost of that route).
If I were a rich man(sorry, not funny) I would be hanging out at Bill Gates house having some real fun with the iPods.
I've gotten another link for you to the right. This Blog has my favorite title from any Blog that I have seen. Make sure to check out the 1st post. I would say more but that damn Air Supply song is on and I have to find it and take it out of my music library.
We can make it better now, we have technology!

I suppose you've seen ads for the new Poseidon movie. I just have one question , WHY? Can somebody explain why Hollywood has to remake films that don't need it. Actually I couldn't care less about Poseidon but I just decided to use this time to bring this topic up. I will now list several examples of remakes that prove they should not waste time on these projects. Listed by original movie titles, some remakes change the name.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
War of the Worlds
I could go on but you get the idea. Can't they come up with some original ideas; sorry, original ideas that don't suck(I wanted to use a different combo of words but you never know who's reading). There are only a few movies that try to be Motion Pictures anymore(no Scary Movie $4$ is not a Motion Picture, It's an extended episode of SNL.), now I know that not every movie released has to be a Motion Picture but I wish Hollywood would try more often then they do.
Hollywood used to make Motion Pictures, I could make a list but I'm sure we know the difference. As it stands now I could just live with it; but when the days comes and they remake
Gone With the Wind with Ben Afflac as Rhett or
Planet of the Apes with Marky Mark(Oh yeah, they already did that) and... I better stop in case a Hollywood genus gets inspiration from reading this and we end up with
The Maltese Falcon with Tom Hanks(NO! It's not a good Idea!).
Note: I don't hate any actor listed here, the truth is Marky Mark was cool in The Big Hit. Tom Hanks was good in The Green Mile, and Ben Afflac was good in... Give me a sec. It'll come to me, oh yeah Dazed and Confused(Damn Air Supply, how did this get in my MP3's).
Just 1 more thing, I have put up a link to Olaf's Blog. He would seem to be involved in a Blog War, make sure to sit back and watch the Fireworks.
Post # 10 Update
We break away from the normal operation of this Blog to bring you the following special report.
I'm sure you remember that post # 10 is where I listed my favorite Blogs and explained why they are(It would be a good idea to scroll down to read post #10). I have just received permission to put a link to the Deceiver's Blog and have done so on the links section to the right. The Deceiver's Blog is the last one I talked about in that post(In case you were wondering) and I encourage you to look it over. I might ask to put up the other links from the Blogs I listed, but be warned because I'm sure that there is at least one Blog that won't want to be associated with this Blog(not meant as an insult in any way, just a difference of style/content). I could be wrong but don't be surprised if a complete list is not represented.
- Non-related picture chosen at random to take up space on the post.
What was that? Nevermind, I wanted to put up a link to this Blog in particular, it may not be updated everyday but you can be sure that when it is... It will be worth it. I will update whenever I get permission for any other links. Until then,{insert meaningful quote here} and good night.
Oh Yeah, Just 1 more thing.
Is there any good news out there?
I just got done watching the news on 3 channels, CNN, CBS, Fox News and I 've come to one conclusion...
There is no good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I hope I got my point across)
! Here is the breakdown so far as I can tell, there is only a difference between the networks and I'm sure it's not a surprise what it is... BUSH!
1) CNN: Bush is a Demon! They don't even try to hide it.
2) CBS: Bush is out of touch with America, most Americans don't like the job he's doing.
3) Fox News: Bush should be doing something about immigration. Don't know why he's not.
What have I learned from this? I need to stop watching the news. What I don't understand is where this major hate of the president comes from? I can understand disagreement with the agenda but it goes way beyond that for some people
, I just don't get it. If he's so evil how did he get a second term; It's because Kerry's Vietnam experience came back to haunt him(meeting with the enemy during wartime and speaking out against the troops, that's why nobody in my family voted for him) and that didn't sit well with many. As a matter of fact I know several who would have voted Kerry if he was apologetic for his actions many years ago, the fact he didn't just shows that he didn't think what he did was wrong.
Now I know you are seating there saying "Republican, Leans to the Right, Red State Dude." Sorry when it comes to issues I try to take a common sense approach(huh, what's that?) that will show how to deal with a problem, It's very simple.
Here's an example:
We all know the people on the Right can't get along with the people on the Left, so what should we do so they stop fighting with each other? What us Common Sense people do is build a tall and wide fence to separate the Right from the Left so we can get some peace from the constant fighting that never amounts to anything getting done.
Now I know you're saying "Hmmm... That makes sense.", and you're right. Here's another thought... On abortion(here's a topic to get people pissed, see how easy it is to generate cheap heat.). Instead of fighting over whether it's Ok or not just leave it alone, but change it to let the father have some say in the matter(Hmmm...)(Ok, let them have some say if they bother to take an interest instead of a powder.).
What was my point again; Oh yeah, I need to stop watching the news. Here's a good newscast:(I've heard this before from somebody else, can't remember who though) "Hey it's all gonna work out, here's sports."
My "I can't think of anything important to say, so here's this" post
It's been a busy couple of days, I've been thinking of something to post with some importance to our world/society and this is what I came up with... I need to think on it some more. In the meantime I decided to try something else.
Below is a photo from a TV show, If you happen to know from what show please leave a reply and tell me? Even if you don't know leave a reply to say so; this was one of my favorite shows and I want to know how out of touch with the culture I am.

Oh and in case you were wondering I won't indulge myself with how great it is to be out of touch with... Somebody already beat me to that speech.
Post #10, What have I learned?
I changed the Blog name again, not the first time and I'm sure not the last either. I'm sure I'll keep changing it until it perfect, which means I'll never stop changing it. It's been an eventful couple of weeks since I started this Blog. I started out looking through over 200 Blogs(most not in English so I kept going) and then from there I narrowed it down to about 6 that I look at everyday. I won't post the addresses of them here because I'm not sure if they would want the plug.
The 1st one(no order) is one about this college girl who you might see as a party machine(out every night after work type of thing) but her blog is exactly like life as in there are ups and downs, anticipation and dread of events to come, ect... I first read this one based on the title alone, and the first post has a photo of 2 guys pulling this impossible to move boat(massive) and they keep trying, I love the idea of that never quit and keep going no mater how futile it is attitude.
The 2nd one is about this guy who's trying to sell his screenplay and has a chance if he was to cheat on his significant other, the Idea itself seems like a screenplay. He gets others opinions through comments left on his post, he has I believe made his decision. I look at this guy's profile from a comment left on Somebody else's Blog and looked at his Blog, his also had a catchy title. I can only hope for problems like that.
The 3rd one is about this guy who will post anything it seems, about 2 days ago I saw a photo of a baby drinking a beer(and we're complaining about Joe Camel) which has since been removed. Let there be no doubt this man is a straight Red state guy, it will take you about 5 seconds to see that for yourself if you read his Blog. The Blog itself is very entertaining(scary Sharon Stone photo, wicked witch audition I would assume) except for some video thing that interrupts my MP3s while they're playing.
The 4th one is some guy who started his Blog the same time I did and hasn't posted it on it since; I'm looking forward to see what he does with it, or if he'll do anything with it.
The 5th is a girl who has gotten some measure of fame through the entertainment industry. Now I figured that everybody who made it to Hollywood(after the Lobotomy) were given their person weight trainer, their Blue state Bible(yes, I know there is a Red state Bible too), and their morality Bankrupt check, I could say more but I won't. This person is real and smart(real smart, sorry couldn't help it) and believe it or not she has gotten me to change my thinking on a couple things(not many because I'm usually right, stop laughing I'm serious). Maybe Hollywood types are Ok, Nope not as long as there are brain-trusts there named after French cities.
The 6th is my favorite for just one reason in particular... Have you ever known somebody who you knew was bound to be great, they can do something so perfectly that you know if they go with it you will see them and their work in the future. I found this Blog about this high school girl(no it's not like that, have a snicker and shut it) who has the best photos on her Blog and uses some photo manipulation software on some that really turn an average photo into pure perfection, it's truly a sight to behold. It's one of those thing you'll never forget if you ever see it, I'm almost tempted to put the address here but I won't for the reasons I already mentioned. The Blog itself is about her life, she would seem to be a very deep thinker.
That's about it. I could keep wasting space but I won't.
Unleaded and an Orange Julius?
Can you please explain the logic here. I can see absolutely no reason for putting a gas station inside of a mall. Explain it to me, because to me this is just plain stupid.

Now Holiday CEO if you plan to sue me I have found a good law firm to use.

I believe the name speaks for itself.
God is Busy
My cousin Mitch sent me this in an email.
God is Busy
Now A Marine was attending a college course between missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The professor, an avowed atheist, shocked the Class one day when he walked in, looked toward the ceiling, and said loudly, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes." The lecture room fell silent and the professor began his lecture.
Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God - still waiting." It got down to the last minute when the Marine stood up, walked toward the professor and threw his best punch knocking him off the platform and out cold. The Marine went back to his seat and sat down. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence.
The professor came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do that?" The Marine calmly replied, "God is busy today protecting America's soldiers who are protecting your right to behave like an idiot and say stupid stuff. So He sent me."
I thought this was worth a good laugh. It also gives me a chance to state my support and respect for every single person who is protecting our country and those who protected us in the past. They are the only ones who have really earned the freedom we all enjoy in this country. Thank you.
I need to see you after class.
Another Teacher was arrested for... Look do I really have to say it, I mean by this point we all know. This lady needs to go to Prison, let there be no doubt about that. If this was just an isolated incident then it wouldn't have gotten lots of attention, but we all know it's not. I also know that after things like this hit the news most people become reactionary and paranoid, if you need proof just look at Y2K.
I had a teacher in middle school who went out of her way to make sure students who needed extra help would get it, homework or beyond (classmate home difficulty, which I won't post here). I'm sure you can recall a teacher that cared about their class and I'm sure you know how rare that is. I bring this up because after every report about this type of thing everybody get worried and starts looking at all teachers as child rapists. Helping a student with the lesson after school starts to get people talking.
Now if you visit this Blog on regular basis you'll see that I'm not a big fan on the way school is set up; but something needs to be said to defend the teachers in this case. With all the bad press how many teachers do you think will continue to go out of their way to help those who really need it, those are the type of teachers we need. Teaching is not quite a respected career as it use to be, not many people looking into it for a career path. Sad but True.
What's in a name?
It's hard to come up with a name, I usually don't think about how difficult it is. Everybody I know has a name, but it doesn't stop there. I'm sure you know that guy who has a name for everything he owns, which is normal until he asks you to say hi to his toaster Bronson (Trust me, you don't want to know). I usually avoid names for non-living things, except for computers. The only reason that changed is because the computer asked for one when I was setting up. My last computer was named
scriptAVID because I was going to use it for writing and editing my old school project to get them off VHS. My current computer is named
Asia Argento slept here (which is more wishful thinking than a name) and is used for mostly the same thing, both my group
Fans of theJDman (Where some examples of those projects are up)and this Blog were both created on this computer.

Asia Argento slept here
Ok before I get sued let me state that I don't know Asia Argento and have never met her, she never came here. I will give a more detailed apology after the suit. The reason behind all this is because I can't think of a name for the Notebook computer I just picked up. Any suggestion would be helpful, well almost any suggestion. In the interest of fair disclosure I should tell you that I created this message with my un-named notebook computer.
50 years of As the World Turns

Before I start let me just say the actually 50th anniversary is on April 2nd; I'm just putting this up today is because I'll be out of town tomorrow for my monthly visit to the Vampire.
Now being 31 I can't claim to have seen every episode of this show. While growing up my mother watched this show everyday so after awhile I did too.
Truth be told I really watch this show for one reason, James Steinbeck. He was/is the cooled villain I have ever seen. James has been killed at least 5 times that I can think of, nothing can stop this man. The picture is from my all-time favorite scene from this show; James is trying to get his son to run away with him when Paul's friend tries to stop him. James shoots the guy and Paul refuses to leave after seeing James shoot his friend. I have this scene on videotape somewhere. I hope that someday they will release a DVD about James Steinbeck, greatest moments type of thing.
I don't watch so much anymore, but every once and awhile I check it out just in case the man returns.