Lunch at Lunchtime, don't bet on it.
Events occur in real time
The following takes place between 11:25 a.m. and 11:37 a.m.
I left the apartment and headed out to Culvers for lunch, by the time I arrived there no parking spaces left. The choice was obvious, I would have to find another place for lunch.
The following takes place between 11:38 a.m. and 11:58 a.m.
As the drive continued there were several lunch choices that were available; McDonald's, Taco Johns, Boston's, Perkins, Pizza Hut, and Taco(no way in Hell!)Bell. Every single place was packed with no place to park.
The following takes place between 11:59 a.m. and 12:07 p.m.
The drive continued until I saw it. Wendy's, not too busy and plenty of parking; so after the vehicle was parked I headed into the building.
The following takes place between 12:08 p.m. and 12:21 p.m.
Stood in line behind 4 high school kids, 7 elderly(senior discount) women, and an elderly couple who paid for their meal with a big bag of change(oh just shoot me now) and then it was my turn to order.
The following takes place between 12:22 p.m. and 12:25 p.m.
I ordered a #9 combo meal which is 10 chicken nuggets(actually I was given 8) an order of (American)fries and a Mellow Yellow to drink, then after telling the lady working there no sauce for the 5th time I got my food and sat down.
The following takes place between 12:26 p.m. and 12:34 p.m.
I ate the food; the 2 guy in the next booth were talking about their love life, "That damn skank better open up the freeway 'cause I'm gonna bring the Jackhammer. I didn't put out $17 for dinner to not get passed 3rd base." Non the less I did manage to get my food down. Believe me, I wish I was making that lame statement up, It went on but I won't talk about the fish thing, you're welcome.
The following takes place between 12:35 p.m. and 1:07 p.m.
I exited the building, entered the vehicle, and then fought the rush hour traffic to get back to where I live.
Next time I'll just stay home and eat.
Memorial Day
I went looking for information and background on Memorial Day so I could post something meaningful about this holiday. Instead of putting a long post about my feelings on this holiday I found a poem that just about sums up this holiday. I'll put the link here and strongly urge you to read it
To learn more about Memorial Day go to
2 Years down, new 1 starts.
My "Yeah Summer is here again" Post that all Bloggers Post around this time Post.
It's official... It's Summer. Growing up Summer was always something to look forward to. Summer basically meant the end of school for awhile, which at the time was something to look forward to. Now It's different, Summer doesn't change much except the weather. I don't really look forward to it anymore... Summer don't change my life that much anymore, It's the same as any other time of year except you're stuck with no new TV shows for 4 or 5 months(Oh JD, you have to know that is beyond lame). Back then It was a trade-off I was willing to make, now there's no benefit. Actually I do get to do Summer things with my nieces soon so I have that to look forward to, backyard swimming pools, trips to the park, watching
Milo and Otis and
Punky Brewster all Summer long("Oh not another Punky, that's the 5th 1"). Well look on the bright side, It could be worse.

About that picture, the guy on the right is holding a broken Walkie Talkie(I'm glad there aren't any guns in E.T. anymore. Good job on improving your movie Speilberg).
30th Post: Hall of Fame & Eddie Guerrero

I know that not everybody love wrestling and that’s cool(What, how can you not…). This post is about the Hall of Fame. I just picked up the WrestleMania 22 DVD set; 1 of the features of the DVD is the entire 2006 WWE Hall of Fame. Darning the last few years the Hall of Fame has become my favorite part of WrestleMania. I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t watch wrestling. The Hall of Fame I think is the biggest achievement you can get in the business, even bigger that the title. The Hall of Fame is a chance to celebrate the best of the business, regardless of gimmick or title reigns.
I would assume that to the people who get inducted it must be a double-edged sword. On the 1st hand It goes to show that you made an impact in your career and you were important in the business; the other side is that your career is over. It’s great that people remember you and what you did, but there it is and you can’t do it anymore. I’ve learned more about a few people in the Hall of Fame ceremony then I did during their entire career. There’s 1 quote during Paul Orndorff’s induction that I remember, It’s something that’s true of life but nobody really thinks about it. “After looking back on all the things, you never know who’s life you touch, you never know…”(sorry I can’t remember the exact quote, but that’s the part I remember) The really great thing about the Hall of Fame is that they induct some wrestlers who never worked for WWE, but worked in the business. I’m going to close out this section of the post with a quote from a TV show that I always remembered; It seems appropriate for this Post. “Remember these times, It’s a time of your life that’ll never come again. When It’s gone, It’s gone.”

This is just a quick post on the death of Eddie Guerrero. I wanted to post a message on this when I started this Blog but I never found a good time to do so. The death of Eddie Guerrero came as a shock, I remember waking up and hearing about it on the news and I thought I heard it wrong. The next week had Tribute shows on Raw and Smackdown , I remember thinking how unfair and sudden it was.
Now that’s some time has passed and I had a chance to think about his life as a whole I’d say It’s not so bad. His life was too short but in the end his life was fulfilled. Just think if this happened a few years earlier while he was estranged from his family, fired from his job, and plagued by his addition; If he had died then he would be remember as another athlete who couldn’t keep their family or life because their demons got the better of them. Eddie

Guerrero got cleaned up, got back on track with his career, and got his family back(something that is almost never done, I believe that’s the most impressive of all). When I think of Eddie Guerrero, I think of an sombody who fought to get his life back and had it the way he wanted when he died. If only we can all be that lucky when our time comes.
Chloe O'Brian is the Greatest Character on Television.

This post could be consider a geek-out, but I don't care. I'm watching the season finale of 24 as I write this. I've been watching 24 since Day 1, 12am to 1 am; and I have all the seasons on DVD(Days 1-4) and storywise my favorite is Day 2. As for my favorite character it's Chloe O'Brian and she's the best TV character on at the moment. Now having said that there is no way in hell I could work with a person like that, I wouldn't last 10 seconds taking attitude from her. On the other hand it is fun to watch the others on the show deal with her "personality disorder"(I love that quote), I just get a kick out of her.
Choloe is played my actress Mary Lynn Rajskub and she

nails that role to a tee. She has also been in
Road Trip,
Punch Drunk Love, and,
Firewall. I could keep listing projects but you can look at her IMDB filmography Now if you want to see Chloe O'Brian in action there is really only 1 way to do it... You need to buy Season 3, 4, and 5(when it comes out on DVD) and watch it that way, You could watch reruns on TV but If you miss the 1st hour it won't work, You need to watch each season from start to end. I think I'll stop here and watch the last 1/2 hour of 24.
Hey, I get a geek-out moment every once and awhile... Give me a break.
Have you ever wanted to hit yourself in the Head with a Hammer?
Well I've been busy at and I'm not impressed. 1st of all It's a graveyard of zero activity and for very good reason, It's a closed door party. Now before I list my (numerous)complaints let me mention a couple good things about the site. I did find a lot of my fellow classmates and some had a little information on them; now that we got all that out of the way let's get down to business... If you wish to view info or try to communicate with anybody you have to be a gold member(money, money, money) so I took a 3 month membership($15.00, your money goes for... Blah, Blah, Blah) and then went forward. After that I went to set-up my profile where I listed this Blog, My Space page, Yahoo Group, and Email address and finished. Then I went to look at my profile only to learn It was not allowed because It contained links and an Email address(Ever had a moment where you almost toss your computer, I know 1 person who actually did. You had to be there.) and my 1st thought was, "What!?! You've got to be {guess the missing word} kidding me!" Then I had to leave clues on how to find this Blog. Then I checked out the reunion page(which was 2K3, Ha Ha I don't need a walker, yet) and found 3 comments on the board and 2 were from the same person. Then get this, you can use Classmates Email to leave a message to that person that will be there the next time that person logs onto So I guess when you have to

input your Email address in their little sign-up It's so they can send you extra Spam to your Email(before 2 days ago my average SpamMail was about 130 SpamMails a day. Last 2 days It's been 210 SpamMails. Including my personal favorite "Bigger is Better. It's common knowledge that most women want men with a large {fill in the blank} "). This is a perfect example of a middle-man sticking his nose into your business to make a buck.
So basically is a closed door party. You can reunite with all your old school buddies*. But it would be less of a headache just to hire a P.I. to find your old friends.
*all communication with others has to be monitored by us and you can only interact with others here on our website. We will make sure you can only communicate through us.
The Best Years of Your Life? Not at the Time; But maybe...
In a comment on 1 of my posts it was suggested I joined My Space to find out about another Blogger, so I did. After signing up I found out 1 of my cousins were there. Then as I looked at my profile I noticed the school set-up was searchable. I decided to see who from my class was on My Space(after a lot of thinking/ wondering if I even wanted to know) and It showed 5 people from my class, 4 I didn't recognize and 1 I did. I decided to leave a quick "Hi there" and left it at that. If she replies that's cool, if not "oh well".
Then I decided to sign up for and see If I knew anybody there and sure

enough I did. I know I complain about how I hated High School and how everybody there were jerks(believe me most were) but after thinking about it, I know that there were some people there that tried to be friendly. But like most of us I focused on the negative, I kept everybody out and away. Even when I went away for a year, after coming back things chilled out a little; but at the time I had such hatred for them I went out of my way to be nasty/mean. I even yelled at the girl who was taking graduation information, "You can take your graduation and shove it up(I'm leaving a few thing out)... I'm not gonna be there." I hope I get the chance to apologize for my actions on that day, and other days I acted that way. Even though I felt it was my right after all BS I had to endure from some of my classmates, It wasn't. The truth is I don't need to be a jerk and in the end it only ends up making me look bad. I'm sure I didn't die 2 years ago to come back and hold on to hatred and old grudges, It's a waste of time, time I've lost too much of all ready. I hope that I might get that "2nd Chance" and if not, "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Life Goes On".
The photo in this post is from the yearbook class movie of 1991, a quick little movie that was shot during that class. Just so you know that the guy there isn't holding a gun, It's a walkie talkie(See how dumb that sounds Speilberg).
Family Reunion... Canceled!
I just found out this year's family reunion is canceled. It was my understanding that only 6 people signed up and there were other problems as well. Family reunions are interesting, they're not like holidays or other special occasions; It's a chance to meet other family who you don't know or only seen at reunions.
The problem with family reunions is simple and basically the same as holiday family get togethers. The
truth is that your relatives come is 3 different categories.
The 1st is your relatives

that you like and hang out with whenever you get the chance. The 2nd is the relatives you avoid and
can't stand for 1 reason or another. And finally there are the relatives you never talk to except for something like, "Hey Roger, I gotta go home so can you move your car?".
The truth is when your at the reunion you spend your time with your favorite relatives anyways and really don't waste time with the others; If you really think about it you know It's the truth and you can't deny it.
We all know that family's family and love 'em or hate 'em you make allowances for family that you don't for anybody else. What else can you say... They're blood, they're family.
Cliffhanger Post part 2
Here we go again, with another Season Finale Cliffhanger. This story arc lasted 5 episodes and bridges 2 shows. The show is 21 JumpStreet/Booker(spin-off) and at this time the show got big, everybody loved Johnny Depp and/or Richard Grieco; that was a major factor in getting the Fox network into the public eye. This is the only real Cliffhanger the show ever had.
21 JumpStreet ep. 54+55 Loc'd Out
First aired Sunday May 14 and 21, 1989

Here's a quick recap...The JumpStreet unit is sent undercover in the middle of an all-out gang war. While there Harry gets shot durning a drive-by shooting and slips into a coma with a not hopeful diagnosis. Hanson goes in to find out who order the hit. He finds out about a guy named "The Budman" who is selling guns to the gangs. After going on his own Hanson breaks-in to the Budman's house and while there he discovers that the Budman is a cop, Officer Bud Tower. As Hanson is about to leave Tower catches him, after a shoot out Hanson runs off and Tower died from a gunshot.

While hiding out Hanson tries to peace together what happened because he doesn't think his shot killed Tower. Booker and Tower's partner catches Hanson, and from there he goes on trial for the murder of Officer Bud Tower. The Jury finds him guilty and the episode ends with Hanson sitting in his prison cell.
For more on 21 JumpStreet click here
Cliffhanger Post part 1
The best/worst time of the year is here... Season Cliffhangers are here. I love Cliffhangers, I just don't like waiting through the Summer to see what happens. I've decided to waste more Internet/Blogger space by post a few of my favorite Season Finale Cliffhangers. When you're talking about Cliffhangers there's really only 1 place to start... DALLAS!(was that over the top?) This is 1st episode of Dallas I can remember seeing, thinking how cool it was(Hee Hee Fire, fire, FIRE, sorry dated Mtv reference).
Dallas ep. 131 Ewing Inferno
First aired on May 6, 1983

No this isn't "Who Shot JR?", This happens after that. Here's a quick recap... JR and Bobby are in a contest to see who will get to run Ewing Oil. JR uses this guy named Walt Driscoll to sell oil to Cuba. Bobby finds out and with Ray's help the plant a gun on Driscoll which is found by a guard at the airport, and JR refuses to help the guy out. Driscoll get out and goes for revenge and waits to get JR and runs his car off the road, only to find JR's wife and Ray's cousin Mickey were in the car without JR. Driscoll left a suicide note saying he was trying

to get JR, which the police give to Ray. Ray goes to Southfork to confront JR, the 2 of them get in a fight and start a fire in the house. After knocking out Ray, JR goes up the stairs to get Sue-Ellen and John Ross out of the house only to pass out from the smoke.
For more on Dallas click here
The Mystery of Lost Solved, Photo Proof included

Now that should end all discussions. The photo shows {spoiler information} and that's that. If you dissagree with my thoughts go and prove me wrong.
Look guys, It's just a TV show... Calm Down. When you're looking for a different kind of sand that should not be on the beach, "YOU HAVE WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS!"(note to remember: use post again for the when next Star Wars movie line starts.) Look I'm all for getting into a TV show that's good(let's face it most aren't) but too far is too far.
Oh by the way... the Hanso symbol is on the spinning nub of the engine.
*Update* The author of this Blog is a complete idiot. You should just skip this post and don't read it.
A Time to Hate, A Time to Love, and A Time to just Chill Out.
After the last couple days of incidents(? Put a cool word here. Make sure you don't forget) it occurred to me that I don't know as much about running a Blog as I should. I've decided to use today as a rebuilding day for my Blog. If you look around you'll notice several changes here... I've updated my profile with some actual info and finally added a photo of myself(Beware: may cause fainting). In addition I have changed the style/format of the Blog including another name change(Don't bother remembering the name, just like my aunt's* boyfriends the moment who know the name it'll change.), yeah I know, no need to say it. And finally I added my X-box Live Gametag here as well. Before I forget now the links have pictures. Let me know your thoughts about the upgrade.
I've spent all of my day working on this(including several failed experiments of things I just mentions above and others I won't mention, yet.) and right now I'm going to get something to eat.

Here is another photo that was chosen at random which has absolutely nothing to do with this post. Enjoy.
*Aunt's name withheld for my own protection.
No nephews were harmed on account of this post(I hope)
19th Post(Redux)

I was hoping to have a glorious 20th Post, but that's not to be; In fact I have to announce a feature to this Blog that I never wanted to do. In light of certain events I have no choice but to enable a Comment Moderation to this Blog. I will still let any comment through except for certain comments that have no purpose but to attack myself or others. I reserve the right to change the policy at any time depending on how things go

What's my Motivation?

What does this picture look like? I think it looks like a CD cover for a band with a name like
Devastator or Ravage Curtain. I would assume the blond girl is probably the Drummer, then the goofy guy on keyboards, and finally the main girl on vocals and guitar. Have you ever notice how the main purpose of a CD cover is say, "Yeah, we're in the band. Whatever.".
The truth behind this photo is it's a publicity photo for the movie
Scarlet Diva. I would liked to have been able to recommend this movie... I really would have.

Take a look at these Creepy Little Bastards. If you had to meet 1 of these CLB's in a dark alley, which 1 would it be?
Hey, it was either this or a post about... Actually this was my only idea for now.
The Music of our Lives, where is it now?

For the last several days I've been going through my MP3's to get ready to fill up my iPod(which I picked up yesterday) and I ran across a lot of songs I've haven't heard in years and it got me to thinking about the performers and why they aren't making music any more, there are several 1-hit wonders, bands that aren't playing anymore, performers who aren't with us anymore among the collection I've been preparing.
The one thing that really stays with us throughout all our lives is music. Think about it, how many of us have an emotional attachment to 1 song or another because of some significant moment in your life that ties you to it. And as we change the music of the time changes with us, some songs we leave behind not to listen to again and then there are those that we keep with us until we die. The music says something about where we were at that point in life; not just the top 40 but also the lesser know music that you would somehow run across.
If you ever get enough time I suggest you take a trip through your musical history and in a sense you'll be looking back through your life. I've remembered things I forgotten for years, they just came flooding back to me, and I wonder how I could have forgotten some of those things which once upon a time that were so important.
There were so many times in the last few days where I thought I wish they were still around making music. If I could bring a couple of them back ... I would pick Freddie Mercury from Queen[pictured above] and Selena. Freddie Mercury is the only person in his field that I have complete respect for; right before he died and while he was dying he would gather up all his strength and record a few more song before it was too late, he knew he wasn't going to see any money from it... It was a goodbye gift to the fans(what big star now do you think would do that, most now are no pay/no play). Selena was a great tragedy, unlike Freddie Mercury and Queen who all ready left us so many great songs, Selena was young and had her whole career in front of her... Just think about what we're missing right now.
The real tragedy is with real great performers gone it

leaves an open spot for somebody to walk in and take. Most of the time it's somebody who's nowhere near as good. If I could, I'd turn over this little blond cheerleader for Selena, I would in a heartbeat, without a second though(Whoa... You suck and so does that Ice Breakers commercial), and with a song in my heart. Tell me I'm not crazy... Am I the only 1 who can't stand this girl.

Selena 1971-1995 ................Freddie Mercury 1946-1991
I still listen and remember.